Wuxing Zhang
·Paper Publications
Qing Liu, Youwei Yan, Xiangcheng Chu, Yiling Zhang, Lihong Xue*, Wuxing Zhang*, Graphene Induced Growth of Single Crystalline Sb2MoO6 Sheets and the Sodium Storage Performance, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2017, 5, 21328 - 21333
Release time:2019-08-30  Hits:
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Min Wan, Rui Zeng, Kongyao Chen, Ganxiong Liu, Weilun Chen, Lili Wang, Nan Zhang, Lihong Xue, Wuxing Zhang*, Yunhui Huang*, Fe7Se8 nanoparticles encapsulated by nitrogen-doped carbon with high sodium storage performance and evolving redox reactions, Energy Storage Materials, 2018, 10: p 114–121
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Qing Liu, Jinsong Wang, Yu Luo, Ling Miao, Youwei Yan, Lihong Xue*, Wuxing Zhang*, Facile synthesis of FeSi4P4 and its Sodium Ion Storage Performance, Electrochimica Acta, 2017, 247: p 820-825