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学科:城乡规划学- [11] 9. Zhao L.Y., Shen S.W., Luo J.*, Zhu G.Y. Solutions for new town development predicaments from a comparison analysis of spatial evolution. Journal of Urban Planning and Development. 2019, 145(4), 04019015.(SCI/SSCI双检索,JCR3区,IF=2.5,美国ACSE杂志).
- [12] 10. Zhao L.Y.*, Song J., Peng Z.R. Modeling land use change and population relocation dynamics in response to different sea level rise scenarios: A case study in Bay County, Florida. Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 2017, 143(3), 04017012.(SCI/SSCI双检索,JCR3区,IF=2.5,美国ACSE杂志).
- [13] 11. Zhao L.Y., Peng Z.R.* LandSys II: An agent-based land use forecast model with artificial neural networks and multi agents mode. Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 2015, 141(4), 04014045.(SCI/SSCI双检索,JCR3区,IF=2.5,美国ACSE杂志).
- [14] 12. Zhao L.Y., Peng Z.R.*, Yang F., Shen S. A bid-rent land-use adaptation model for mitigating road network vulnerability and traffic emissions, International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 2014, 11: 2359-2368.(SCI检索,JCR3区,IF=3.1).
- [15] 13. Zhao L.Y.*, Peng Z.R. LandSys: An agent-based cellular automata model of land use change developed for transportation analysis. Journal of Transport Geography, 2012, 25: 35-49.(SSCI检索,JCR1区,IF=6.1).
- [16] 14. Zhao L.Y.*, Peng Z.R. Integrated bi-level model to explore interaction between land use allocation and transportation. Transportation Research Record, 2010, 2176: 14-25.(SCI检索,JCR3区,IF=1.7).
- [17] 15. Zhao L.Y. *, Peng Z.R. A Simulation Platform for Transportation, Land Use and Mobile Source Emissions, Computational Urban Planning and Management for Smart Cities, Book chapters, 2019, Springer. .
- [18] 16. 方云皓,赵丽元*,窦碧莹,王书贤,周枞.长江中游城市群建成区绿色基础设施对PM2.5的消减效应研究.生态学报,2024,44(1):117-128. (中文核心/CSCD).
- [19] 18. 赵丽元*,韦佳伶.城市建设对暴雨内涝空间分布的影响研究——以武汉市主城区为例. 地理科学进展,2020, 39(11):1898-1908.(中文核心/CSSCI/CSCD).
- [20] 17. 方云皓,赵丽元*.供需视角下老城区通风空间识别与匹配研究[J].地理科学进展,2024,43(2):346-360. (中文核心/CSSCI/CSCD).