
Professor    Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates    Supervisor of Master's Candidates

  • Professional Title:Professor
  • Gender:Female
  • Status:Employed
  • Department:School of Public Health
  • Education Level:Postgraduate (Doctoral)
  • Degree:Doctoral Degree in Medicine
  • Alma Mater:华中科技大学

Paper Publications

He H, Deng Y, Wan H, Shen N, Li J, Zeng Q, Chang J, Lu Q, Miao X, Tian J*, Zhong R*. Urinary bisphenol A and its interaction with CYP17A1 rs743572 are associated with breast cancer risk. Chemosphere. 2022;286(Pt 3):131880. (*Corresponding author)

Release time:2022-11-24Hits: