ZUO Duluo

·Paper Publications

Current position: 英文主页 > Scientific Research > Paper Publications
Perfect narrow band absorber for sensing applications
Release time:2018-10-10  Hits:

Indexed by: Journal paper

First Author: Luo, Shiwen

Correspondence Author: Zuo, Duluo

Co-author: Shiwen; Zhao, Jun; Zuo, Duluo; Wang, Xinbing

Journal: Optics Express

Included Journals: EI、SCI

Affiliation of Author(s): Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics

Place of Publication: USA

Discipline: Engineering

First-Level Discipline: Other specialties in Optical Engineering

Document Type: J

Volume: 24

Page Number: 9288-9294

ISSN No.: 1094-4087

Date of Publication: 2016-05-02

Abstract: We design and numerically investigate a perfect narrow band absorber based on a metal-metal-dielectric-metal structure which consists of periodic metallic nanoribbon arrays. The absorber presents an ultra narrow absorption band of 1.11 nm with a nearly perfect absorption of over 99.9% in the infrared region. For oblique incidence, the absorber shows an absorption more than 95% for a wide range of incident angles from 0 to 50 degrees. Structure parameters to the influence of the performance are investigated. The structure shows high sensing performance with a high sensitivity of 1170 nm/RIU ...

Links to published journals: https://www.osapublishing.org/oe/abstract.cfm?uri=oe-24-9-9288