ZUO Duluo

·Teaching Information

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Lasers and Photonics
Release time:2018-09-25  Hits:

Leader of Teaching Group: Duluo ZUO

Teacher: Duluo ZUO, Xinbing WANG, Luyun YANG, Joseph HAUS, Hai ZHOU

Semester: Spring Term

Courses and reference books: Main textbook B.A. Saleh, and M.C. Teich, Fundamentals of Photonics, 2nd Ed., Wiley, 2007. References: M. Born, and E. Wolf, Principles of Optics, 7th Ed., Cambridge University Press, 1999. P.W. Milonni, et al., Laser Physics, John Wiley and Sons, 2010. Svelto, Principles of Lasers, 5th Ed., Springer, 2010 N. Hodgson, and H. Weber, Laser Resonators and Beam Propagation, 2nd Ed., Springer, 2005. A. Yariv, and P. Yeh, Photonics, 6th Ed., Oxford University Press, 2007. H.A. Haus, Waves and Fields in Optoelectronics, Prentice-Hall, 1984.

Discipline: Other specialties in Optical Engineering

Course number: 0843861

Credits: 4.5

Course Type: Undergraduate Course:

Required Class Hours: 72.0

Top-Quality Courses or Not: no

Maximum Number of Students: 17

Members of Teaching Group: Duluo ZUO, Xinbing WANG, Luyun YANG, Joseph HAUS, Hai ZHOU, Jinyan LI

Course Introduction: Upon completion of this course, the students should understand the fundamental principles of lasers including: wave guiding, optical cavities, laser oscillation, laser resonator design, beam properties and beam propagation, elementary knowledge of selected laser sources and photonic devices, pulsed laser techniques, and obtain basic laboratory skills that demonstrate fundamental laser and photonic concepts.

Venue: Eastern Teaching Building No.9

Testing Method: Closed-book or Half-open-book examination

Schedule: Week No.1 - No.16 of Spring term of 2018 (Feb. 27 - Jun. 12)

Date of Examination: 2018年6月27日

Teaching Plan: 1. Topics covered in class (totally 60 hrs) • Optics Background review, 8hrs Review of geometric optics: mirrors, lenses and ABCD matrices (2 hours) Electromagnetism, Maxwell’s equations, review of wave equations, boundary phenomena (2 hours) Paraxial approximation (1 hour) Gaussian beams (1 hour) Optical coherence (2 hours) • Lasers, 22 hrs Passive optical resonators Fabry-Perot and ring cavities (2 hours) Modes and cavity resonances (1 hour) Cavity stability (1 hour) Cavity modes beam shapes Hermite and Laguerre (2 hours) Active optical resonators: amplification (1 hour) Atomic levels (0.5 hour) Rate equations and relaxation rates (0.5 hour) Population inversion conditions (0.5 hour) Lasing threshold, output characteristics (1.5 hours) Laser coherence and noise (2 hours) Beam quality measures (1 hour) Thermal loading (1 hour) Q switched and mode-locked lasers (4 hours) Laser examples: gas, solid state lasers (4 hours) Midterm 1 (Optical Beams and Laser Properties) • Guided waves, 12 hrs Slab wave guide (2 hours) Optical Fiber modes (4 hours) Coupled mode equations (1 hours) Devices: Gratings, couplers, resonators (1 hour) Fiber devices – polarization control, wave plates (1 hour) Optical dispersion, losses and nonlinearities in fibers (1 hour) Fiber lasers (2 hours) Midterm 2 (Waveguide, Fibers and Fiber Lasers) • Optoelectronics, 10 hrs Semiconductor properties (2 hours) Semiconductor amplifiers (2 hours) Semiconductor lasers design (4 hours) Semiconductor lasers: heterostructures, DFB, Bragg reflectors, QCL (2 hours) • Photonic Components and Devices, 8 hrs Photodetectors (2 hours) Optical Interconnects, Switches, Modulators (2 hours) Laser applications: lidar, fiber or free space communications, materials processing, spectroscopy, etc (2 hours) Design projects that are done by the students then discussed in class (2 hours) Final (All material with emphasis on Optoelectronics and Devices) 2. Topics in laboratory (4hrs each, totally 24 hrs)

Class classroom: D303, D402

School Year: 2017-2018