
Gender:Female Status:Employed Department:Institute of Medical Equipment Science and Engineering (IMESE) Education Level:Postgraduate (Doctoral) Degree:Doctoral Degree in Engineering Discipline:Biomedical Engineering

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Language: 中文


陈书文,现任华中科技大学医疗装备科学与研究院副研究员,2020/10-2024/02 在新加坡国立大学Institute for Health Innovation & Technology (iHealthtech)做博士后研究,合作导师Chwee Teck Lim教授,2016-2019,在华中科技大学 武汉光电国家研究中心,攻读博士学位,2013-2016,在中国科学院大学 北京纳米能源与系统研究所,攻读硕士学位,具有材料科学、化学、电子科学与技术、机械工程、生物医学的交叉研究背景。


近年来,以第一作者和通讯作者(含共同一作和共同通讯)在Nature Reviews BioengineeringAdvanced Materials (IF=29.4)Advanced Energy Materials (IF=27.8) Advanced Functional Materials (IF=19)Nano Energy (IF=17.6)等上发表高水平论文12篇,累计引用超过1052次,部分入选ESI高被引论文。以共同作者身份发表论文23篇,累计引用次数超过1506次,学术影响力H因子为17,在Biomaterials, Bio-Design and ManufacturingMicro and Nanotechnology in Medicine Conference等国际会议中多次做特邀口头报告或者展示报告。


  1. 柔性功能材料


  2. 柔性传感器



  3. 柔性智能诊疗与监护系统

    围绕重大临床和极端复杂应用场景,以产品为导向,集成微电子和AI, 系统性开发智能高效监护/诊疗/康复装备,最终开发出可穿戴/微植介入诊断监护产品、神经康复和智能人机交互系统等。





23. Z. Wu#, Z. Qiao#, S. Chen*, S. Fan, Y. Liu, J. Qi & C. T. Lim*. Interstitial fluid-based wearable biosensors for minimally invasive healthcare and biomedical applications. Communications Materials 5 (2024).


22. S. W. Chen, S. C. Fan, Z. Qiao, J. Y. Lee, C. T. Lim*, Liquid metal Functionalization innovations for biomedical robotics and smart healthcare. Adv. Funct. Mater., 2023

21. S. W. Chen, Z. Qiao, Y. Niu, S. C. Fan, J. Y. Lee, C. T. Lim*, Wearable flexible microfluidic sensing technologies. Nat. Rev. Bioeng., 2023

20. Z. Qiao#, S. W. Chen#, S. C. Fan, Z. Xiong, C. T. Lim*, Epidermal bioelectronics for management of chronic diseases: materials, devices and systems. Adv. Sensor Res., 2023, 2, 2200068



19. S. W. Chen, S. C. Fan, J. M. Qi, Z. X., Z. Q., Z. X. Wu, J. C. Yeo, C. T. Lim*. Ultrahigh Strain‐Insensitive Integrated Hybrid Electronics Using Highly Stretchable Bilayer Liquid Metal Based Conductor. Adv. Mater. 2022, 2208569.


18. S. W. Chen, J. M. Qi, S. C. Fan, Z. Qiao, J. C. Yeo*, C. T. Lim*. Flexible wearable sensors for cardiovascular health monitoring. Adv. Healthcare Mater., 2021.

17. Z Xu, X Wan, X Mo, S Lin, S. W. Chen, J Chen, Y Pan, H Zhang, H Jin, J Duan, et al. Electrostatic assembly of laminated transparent piezoelectrets for epidermal and implantable electronics. Nano Energy, 2021, 89, 106450


16. S Lin, S Wang, W Yang, S. W. Chen, Z Xu, X Mo, H Zhou, J Duan, B Hu, etal.Trap-induced dense monocharged perfluorinated electret nanofibers for recyclable multifunctional healthcare mask. Acs Nano,2021, 15 (3), 5486-5494


15. S.W. Chen, N. Wu, J. J. Duan, Z. S. Xu, Y. Pan, W. B. Li, L. Huang, B. Hu*, J. Zhou*. Hierarchical elastomer tuned self-powered pressure sensor for wearable multifunctional cardiovascular electronics. Nano Energy 2020,2, 104460..


14. S. W. Chen, N. Wu, L. Ma, S. Lin, F. Yuan, Z. Xu, W. Li, B. Wang, J. Zhou, Noncontact Heartbeat and Respiration Monitoring Based on a Hollow Microstructured Self-Powered Pressure Sensor. ACS Appl. Mater. Inter. 2018.

13. N. Wu #, S.W. Chen#, S. Lin, W. Li, Z. Xu, F. Yuan, L. Huang, B. Hu, J. Zhou, Theoretical study and structural optimization of a flexible piezoelectret-based pressure sensor. J. Mater. Chem. A 2018, 6, 5065-5070.

12. S Lin, Y Cheng, X Mo, S.W. Chen, Z Xu, B Zhou, H Zhou, B Hu, J Zhou. Electrospun polytetrafluoroethylene nanofibrous membrane for high-performance self-powered sensors. Nanoscale Research Letters, 2019, 14, 1-9

11. Z Xu, J Duan, W Li, N Wu, Y Pan, S Lin, J Li, F Yuan, S.W. Chen, L Huang, etal. Boosting the efficient energy output of electret nanogenerators by suppressing air breakdown under ambient conditions. ACS Appl. Mater. Inter. 2018,11 (4), 3984-3989

10. Li W. B., Duan J. J., Zhong J. W., S.W. Chen, et al. Flexible THV/COC Piezoelectret Nanogenerator for Wide-Range Pressure Sensing. ACS Appl. Mater. Inter. 2018 10 (35), 29675-29683. (IF=10.383)


9. Cheng Y. L., Wang C., Zhong J. W., S.W. Chen, et al. Electrospun polyetherimide electret nonwoven for bi-functional smart face mask[J]. Nano Energy, 2017, 34:562-569. (IF=19.069)

8. Li, W.; Zhao, S.; Wu, N.; Zhong, J.; Wang, B.; Lin, S.; Chen, S. W.; Yuan, F.; Jiang, H.; Xiao, Y.; Hu, B.; Zhou, J., Sensitivity-Enhanced Wearable Active Voiceprint Sensor Based on Cellular Polypropylene Piezoelectret. ACS Appl. Mater. Inter. 2017, 9, 23716-23722. (IF=10.383)

7. S. W. Chen, X. Cao, N. Wang, L. Ma, H. R. Zhu, M. Willander, Y. Jie, Z. L. Wang, An Ultrathin Flexible Single-Electrode Triboelectric-Nanogenerator for Mechanical Energy Harvesting and Instantaneous Force Sensing. Adv. Energy Mater. 2017, 7, 1601255.


6. S. W. Chen,; N. Wang, L. Ma,; T. Li, M. Willander, Y. Jie, X. Cao, Z. L. Wang, Triboelectric Nanogenerator for Sustainable Wastewater Treatment via a Self-Powered Electrochemical Process. Adv. Energy Mater. 2016,6.

5. Zhu H. R., Wang N., Xu Y., Chen S. W., et al. Triboelectric Nanogenerators Based on Melamine and Self-Powered High-Sensitive Sensors for Melamine Detection[J]. Advanced Functional Materials, 2016, 26(18):3029-3035. IF=19.924)(4th



4. S. W. Chen, C. Z. Gao, W. Tang, H. Zhu, Y. Han, Q. W. Jiang, T. Li, X. Cao, Z. L. Wang, Self-powered cleaning of air pollution by wind driven triboelectric nanogenerator. Nano Energy, 2015, 14, 217-225.

3. Zhu H. R., Xu Y., Wang N., Han Y., Chen S. W., et al. Self-powered electrochemical anodic oxidation: A new method for preparation of mesoporous Al2O3 without applying electricity. Nano Research, 2015, 8(11), 3604–3611. (IF=10.269)

2. Han Y, Gao C, Zhu H, Chen S. W., et al. Piezotronic effect enhanced nanowire sensing of H2O2 released by cells[J]. Nano Energy, 2015, 13:405-413. (IF=19.069)

1. Jiang Q. W., Han Y., Tang W., Zhu H. R., Gao C. Z., Chen S. W., M. Willander, Wang Z. L. Self-powered seawater desalination and electrolysis using flowing kinetic energy. Nano Energy, 2015, 15, 266. (IF=19.069)

Educational Experience

  • 2013.9-2016.7  


  • 2016.9-2019.12  
