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机制设计、契约与组织、中国经济(理论与实证) https://chinabin.weebly.com/
1. “Matching with Peer Monitoring,” (with Pak Hung Au), Journal of Economic Theory, Vol 192, 2021, 105172.
2. “Objective and Subjective Indicators in Long-term Contracting,” (with Pak Hung Au), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Vol 166, 2019, pp. 309-331.
3. "Pre-hire Screening and Subjective Performance Evaluations," (with Sanxi Li), Management Science, vol 64, 2018, pp. 4471-4965.
4. "Is Road Infrastructure Investment in China Excessive? Evidence from Productivity of Firms," (with Zhigang Li and Mingqin Wu), Regional Science and Urban Economics: vol 65, 2017, pp. 116-126
5. "Assignment of Provincial Officials Based on Economic Performance: Evidence from China," (with Mingqin Wu), China Economic Review: vol 38, 2016, pp. 60-75.
6. "Subjective Performance Feedback, Ability Attribution, and Renegotiation-proof Contracts," Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization: vol 117, 2015, pp. 155-174.
7. "Task Interdependence and Non-Contractibility in Public Good Provision," (with Y. Stephen Chiu), Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics: vol 170(4), 2014, pp. 731-748.
8. "Industrial Agglomeration and Employer Compliance with Social Security Contribution," (with Mingqin Wu), Journal of Regional Science: vol 54(4), 2014, pp. 586-605.
9. "Intermediate Performance Evaluation in Contract Design," (with Y. Stephen Chiu). Economic Journal: vol 123, issue 569, 2013, pp. 665-698.
10. "Competitive Bidding with a Bid Floor," (with Y. Stephen Chiu), International Journal of Economic Theory: vol 7(4), 2011, pp. 351-371.
11. "Public-Private Partnerships: Task Interdependence and Contractibility," (with Y. Stephen Chiu), International Journal of Industrial Organization: vol 28 (6), 2010, pp. 591-603.12. 李新春,陈斌:企业群体性败德行为与管制失效——对产品质量安全与监管的制度分析,经济研究,2013年第10期,98-111
13. 宋小宁,陈斌,梁琦:区位劣势和县域行政管理费增长,经济研究,2015年第3期,32-46.
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