Chaoxiang He, Bin Zhu, Xiaojing Ma*, Hai Jin and Shengshan Hu. "Feature Indistinguishable Attack to Circumvent Trapdoor-enabled Defense". ACM CCS 2021. (CCF A)
上一条:Shengshan Hu, Yechao Zhang, Xiaogeng Liu, Leo Yu Zhang, Minghui Li*, and Hai Jin. "AdvHash: Set-to-set Targeted Attack on Deep Hashing with One Single Adversarial Patch". ACM MM 2021. (CCF A)
下一条:Wei Wan, Jianrong Lu, Shengshan Hu*, Leo Yu Zhang, and Xiaobing Pei. "Shielding Federated Learning: A New Attack Approach and Its Defense". IEEE WCNC 2021. (CCF C)