·Paper Publications
Xiaoxiang Li, Quanliang Cao, Zhipeng Lai, Shaowei Ouyang, Ning Liu, Meng Li, Xiaotao Han, Liang Li. Bulging behavior of metallic tubes during the electromagnetic forming process in the presence of a background magnetic field. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 276(2020), 116411
Release time:2021-05-18  Hits:
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Quanliang Cao, Limeng Du, Zhenhao Li, Zhipeng Lai, Zhangzhe Li, Meng Chen, Xiaoxiang Li, Shoufeng Xu, Qi Chen, Xiaotao Han, Liang Li. Investigation of the Lorentz-force-driven sheet metal stamping process for cylindrical cup forming. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 271(2019), 532-541
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in manipulation of micro- and nano-objects with magnetic fields at small scales. Materials Horizons, 7(3)(2020), 638-666