·Scientific Research
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Scientific Research
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Paper Publications
MORE+- [1] Liang Li, Fritz Herlach. Deformation analysis of pulsed magnets with internal and external reinforcement. Measurement Science & Technology, 6(7)(1995), 1035-1042
- [2] Liang Li, L Van Bockstal, Fritz Herlach, W van Amersfoort. Design study of a 60T pulsed magnet with 10 μs risetime. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 32(4)(1996), 2511-2513
- [3] Liang Li, Fritz Herlach. Magnetic and thermal diffusion in pulsed high-field magnets. Journal of Physics D Applied Physics, 31(11)(1999), 1320-1328
- [4] Liang Li, D Rovang, B Lesch, P Pernambuco-Wise, H Schneider-Muntau. Design of a large-bore 60-T pulse magnet for Sandia national laboratories. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 10(1)(1999), 530-533
- [5] Bnoenig, C MieIke, G Boebinger. Insert coil design of the first 100 T non-destructive magnet.IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 10(1)(2000), 518-521
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Research Projects
MORE+- [1] 类别:国际科技合作项目;编号:2007DFA01400;名称:80特斯拉级超强脉冲磁场开发;来源:科技部;经费:100万元;项目负责人;时间:2008/01-2010/12
- [2] 类别:国家重大科技基础设施;编号:发改高技【2007】188号;名称:脉冲强磁场实验装置项目;经费:1.33亿元;项目负责人;时间:2008/04-2013/12
- [3] 类别:国家自然科学基金杰出青年基金;编号:50888002;名称:制作工艺和放电过程对磁体极限指标的作用机理;来源:国家自然科学基金委;经费:200万元;项目负责人;时间:2009/01-2012/12
- [4] 类别:教育部创新团队;编号:教技函【2011】88号;名称:脉冲强磁场科学与技术创新团队;来源:教育部;经费:300万;项目负责人;时间:2012/01- 2014/12
- [5] 类别:国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划);编号:2011CB012800;名称:多时空脉冲强磁场成形制造基础研究;来源:科技部;经费:3800万;首席科学家,项目负责人;时间:2011/11-2016/08