·Paper Publications
Pre One::
Zhipeng Lai, Quanliang Cao, Xiaotao Han, Yujie Huang, Fangxiong Deng, Qi Chen, Liang Li. Investigation on plastic deformation behavior of sheet workpiece during radial Lorentz force augmented deep drawing process. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 245(2017),193-206
Next One::
Quanliang Cao, Limeng Du, Zhenhao Li, Zhipeng Lai, Zhangzhe Li, Meng Chen, Xiaoxiang Li, Shoufeng Xu, Qi Chen, Xiaotao Han, Liang Li. Investigation of the Lorentz-force-driven sheet metal stamping process for cylindrical cup forming. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 271(2019), 532-541