·Paper Publications
Yongqi Liu, Hui Qin*, Zhendong Zhang, Shaoqian. Pei, et al. Ensemble spatiotemporal forecasting of solar irradiation using variational Bayesian convolutional gate recurrent unit network. Applied Energy, 2019, 253 (1):113596.(TOP期刊)
Release time:2019-09-20  Hits:
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Yongqi Liu, Lei Ye, Hui Qin*, Xiaofeng Hong, et al. Monthly streamflow forecasting based on hidden Markov model and Gaussian Mixture Regression. Journal of Hydrology, 2018, 561:146-159.(二区TOP期刊)
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Shaoqian. Pei, Hui Qin*, Zhendong Zhang, Liqiang Yao, et al. Wind speed prediction method based on Empirical Wavelet Transform and New Cell Update Long Short-Term Memory network. Energy Conversion and Management, 2019, 196:779-792.(TOP期刊)