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副研究员(自然科学) Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Professional Title:副研究员(自然科学)
Department:School of Environmental Science and Engineering
Education Level:Postgraduate (Doctoral)
Degree:Doctoral Degree in Engineering
Paper Publications
Current position:
Scientific Research
Paper Publications
Tingting Xu, Xun Wang*, Bo Xiao, Haibo Zhao, and Wen Liu*. Optimisation of syngas production from a novel two-step chemical looping reforming process using Fe-dolomite as oxygen carriers. Fuel Process. Technol. (2022), 107169. .
Mingxuan Zhong, Chenxuanzi Wang, Yongcheng Cai, Shuting Min, Yibo Guo, Bo Xiao, Tingting Xu*, Xun Wang*. A novel photo-thermal chemical looping water splitting technology to achieve efficient and stable hydrogen production under mild condition. Applied Energy. 381 (2025), 125186. .
Mingxuan Zhong, Yongcheng Cai, Chenxuanzi Wang, Jianfen Li, Bo Xiao, Tingting Xu*, Xun Wang*. Sorption-enhanced chemical looping steam reforming coupled with water splitting for syngas and H2 coproduction using waste plastic as fuel. Chem. Eng. J. 494 (2024), 152927. .
Mingxuan Zhong, Tingting Xu*, Chenxuanzi Wang, Ying Teng, Yongcheng Cai, Zewei Zhang, Bo Xiao, and Xun Wang*. Utilizing high entropy oxide (Ni0.2Co0.2Ca0.2Cu0.2Mg0.2)Fe2O4 in chemical looping process for highly efficient and stable hydrogen production. Chem. Eng. J. (2024), 150521. .
Mingxuan Zhong, Chenxuanzi Wang, Jiajun Xu, Yongcheng Cai, Bo Xiao,Tingting Xu, Xun Wang*. Composite xNiFe2O4/(1-x)SrFe12O19 oxygen carriers for chemical looping reforming of bioethanol coupled with water splitting to coproduce syngas and hydrogen. J. Energy Inst. (2024) 101780. .
Chenxuanzi Wang, Mingxuan Zhong, Yongcheng Cai, Zewei Zhang, Bo Xiao, Tingting Xu*, and Xun Wang*. Crystalline phase transformation of Sr-Fe based oxygen carriers modulate the cyclic performance for syngas and CO coproduction in chemical looping ethanol reforming coupled with CO2 splitting. Fuel (2024), 131002. .
Zewei Zhang, Mingxuan Zhong, Chenxuanzi Wang, Yongcheng Cai, Bo Xiao, Tingting Xu*, and Xun Wang*. Chemical looping reforming with water splitting (CLRWS) for syngas and hydrogen coproduction using the ternary metal-oxides (Ca-Fe-Cu–O) as oxygen carriers. Fuel (2024), 131640. .
Yongcheng Cai, Chenxuanzi Wang, Mingxuan Zhong, Zewei Zhang, Bo Xiao, Tingting Xu*, and Xun Wang*. Evaluation of redox activity of brownmillerite structured Ca2Fe2O5 oxygen carrier for chemical looping applications. Int J Hydrogen Energy (2023), 27112-27126. .
Xun Wang, Mian Hu, Wanyong Hu, Zhihua Chen, Shiming Liu, Zhiquan Hu, and Bo Xiao*. Thermogravimetric kinetic study of agricultural residue biomass pyrolysis based on combined kinetics. Bioresour. Technol. (2016), 510-520. .
Xun Wang, Zhihua Chen, Mian Hu, Yufei Tian, Xiaoyu Jin, Shu Ma, Tingting Xu, Zhiquan Hu, Shiming Liu, Dabin Guo, and Bo Xiao*. Chemical looping combustion of biomass using metal ferrites as oxygen carriers. Chem. Eng. J. (2017), 252-262. .
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