Kuangyu Wen
许艳芳和文旷宇. (2009). “内部资本市场、上市公司投融资行为异化与公司业绩——基于明天科技的案例研究”. 《管理案例研究与评论》. 2(04):223-236..
许艳芳, 张伟华和文旷宇, (2009). “系族企业内部资本市场功能异化及其经济后果——基于明天科技的案例研究”. 《管理世界》, S1:103-109+133..
K. Wen and X. Wu. (2015). “An improved transformation-based kernel estimator of densities on the unit interval”. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 110:773-783..
K. Wen and X. Wu. (2017). “Smoothed kernel conditional density estimation”. Economics Letters, 152:112-116..
K. Wen and X. Wu. (2019). “A guided nonparametric goodness-of-fit test with application to income distributions”. Econometrics Journal, 22(3):207-222..
K. Wen and X. Wu. (2020). “Transformation-kernel estimators of copula densities”. Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, 38(1), 148-164..
S. Wang, A. Li, K. Wen and X. Wu. (2020). “Robust kernels for kernel density estimation”. Economics Letters, 191:1-5..
K. Wen and X. Wu. (2020). “Generalized empirical likelihood based kernel estimation of spatially similar densities”. In M. Chen, J.M. Dunn, A. Golan, and A. Ullah, editors, Advances in Info-Metrics. Oxford University Press..
K. Wen, X. Wu and D. Leatham. (2021). “Spatially smoothed kernel densities with application to crop yield distributions”. Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics. 26: 349–366..
S. Wang, Y. Li and K. Wen. (2021). “Recursive adjusted unit root tests under non-stationary volatility”. Economics Letters. 109941..