Associate professor

Prof. Dr. Xiang Xiang is an Associate Professor of computer/intelligence science and technology at Huazhong University of Science and Technology. I direct the HUST Image & Vision Learning Lab. I study computer vision and machine learning. My current interests include learning with limited la...Detials

Personal Information  |  Other Contact Information:

Professional Title:Associate professor Department:School of Artifical Intelligence and Automation Education Level:Postgraduate (Doctoral) Degree:Doctoral Degree in Philosophy Discipline:Computer Applications Technology
Pattern Recognition and Intelligent Systems
Signal and Information Processing

Educational Experience |  Work Experience

Wuhan University
Computer Software
University graduated
Bachelor's Degree in Engineering
Major in Computer Software at School of Computer Science; Minor in Finance at School of Economics and Management.
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Computer Science and Technology
Master's Degree
Master's Degree in Engineering
Affiliated with Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
The Johns Hopkins University
Computer Science and Technology
Postgraduate (Doctoral)
Doctoral Degree in Engineering
Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy) in Computer Science Co-Advisors: Gregory D. Hager, Trac D. Tran, Alan L. Yuille
TuSimple, Inc. (NASDAQ: TSP)
Senior Research Scientist
Deep perception, Planning and Control
Amazon Web Services, Inc.
Applied Research Scientist
Amazon Rekognition, Amazon Textract
Hiring manager: Stefano Soatto

Research Focus |  Social Affiliations

武汉市国资委-武汉工控工业技术研究院 评审专家
Reviewing for IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intell.(19-)、Pattern Recognition(18-)、IEEE Trans. Image Processing(18-)、IEEE Trans. Signal Processing(18-)、IEEE Trans. Circuits and Sys for Video Tech(15-)、IEEE Trans. Neural Networks and Learning Sys(18-)、IEEE Trans. Affective Computing(18-)、 IEEE Trans. Biometrics, Behavior & Identity Sci(19-)、 IEEE Access(18-)、IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters(18-)、 Multimedia Tools and Application(18-), SPIE Journal of Electronic Imaging(18-)。

Research Group

Name of Research Group:HUST AIA Image and Vision Learning Lab (HAIV Lab)

Description of Research Group:Please see also at

Dongrui Wu