Dongwei Xu   

Associate professor
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Gender:Female Status:Employed Department:School of Energy and Power Engineering Education Level:Postgraduate (Doctoral) Degree:Doctoral Degree in Science Discipline:Engineering Thermophysics

Honors and Titles:

2003    Chun-Tsung Scholar

MORE> Recommended MA Supervisor
Language: 中文



在美留学10年中有一年半在美国大学从事本科教学的经历。研究兴趣广泛,致力于从基础研究角度探究应用中的重要问题。近年来,在有关LED相关材料和储能电池材料方面进行了深入研究,取得了一系列成果。发表SCI期刊论文多篇。应Nova科学出版社的邀请,撰写英文专业书目一章。多次参加国际学术会议和论坛,加强与世界一流学者之间的学术交流。担任多种国际学术期刊(Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Journal of Applied Physics, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, Thin Solid Films 等)的审稿人。

Educational Experience

  • 2007.8-2012.7  

    Oklahoma State University       Condensed Matter Physics       Postgraduate (Doctoral)       Doctoral Degree in Philosophy

  • 2005.9-2007.6  

    Lanzhou University       Condensed Matter Physics       Postgraduate (Master's Degree)       3

  • 2001.9-2005.6  

    Lanzhou University       Condensed Matter Physics       Undergraduate (Bachelor’s degree)       Bachelor's Degree in Science

Work Experience

  • 2017.11-Now

    Huazhong University of Science and Technology      Collge of Energy and Power engine