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- A new five-factor green pricing model in China.Applied Economics,
- Overseas exposures, global events, and mutual fund performance.International Review of Economics and Finance,
- Zhao Zhao; Olivier Ledoit; Hui Jiang; Risk Reduction and Efficiency Increase in Large Portfolios: Gross-Exposure Constraints and Shrinkage of the Covariance Matrix, Journal of Financial Econometrics, 2023, 21(1): 73-105..
- Gianluca De Nard; Zhao Zhao; Using, taming or avoiding the factor zoo? A double shrinkage estimator for covariance matrices, Journal of Empirical Finance, 2023, 72: 23-35..
- Gianluca De Nard; Zhao Zhao ; A Large-Dimensional Test for Cross-Sectional Anomalies: Efficient Sorting Revisited, International Review of Economics and Finance, 2022, 80: 654-676.
- Zhang Y. and Z. Zhao*. Environmental regulations and corporate social responsibility: Evidence from China’s real-time air quality monitoring policy, Finance Research Letters, 2022.
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