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Qi Ting, Zhu Haihong*, Zeng Xiaoyan, Yin Jie, Effect of Si content on the cracking behavior of selective laser melted Al7050, Rapid Prototyping Journal, 2019,25(10):1592-1600.
上一条:Zhang Luo, Zhang Shasha, Zhu Haihong*, Wang Guoqing, Zeng Xiaoyan, Investigation on the angular accuracy of selective laser melting, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 104(2019):3147-3153.
下一条:Changchun Zhang, Yefeng Bao, Haihong Zhu*, Xiaojia Nie, Wenqi Zhang, Shasha Zhang, Xiaoyan Zeng, A comparison between laser and TIG welding of selective laser melted AlSi10Mg, optical and laser technology, 120(2019): 105696.