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Zhiheng Hu, Yang Qi, Shubo Gao, Haihong Zhu*, Xiaoyan Zeng. Aging responses of an Al-Cu alloy fabricated by selective laser melting, Additive manufacturing, 37(2020):101635..
Changpeng Chen, Shijie Chang, Junjie Zhu, Zhongxu Xiao, Haihong Zhu *, Xiaoyan Zeng,Residual stress of typical parts in laser powder bed fusion,Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 59(2020):621-628..
Tingting Wang, Shimin Dai, Hailong Liao,Haihong Zhu*,Pores and the formation mechanisms of SLMed AlSi10Mg,Rapid Prototyping Journal, 2020,26(9): 1657–1664. .
Changpeng Chen, Zhongxu Xiao, Haihong Zhu*, Xiaoyan Zeng. Deformation and control method of thin-walled part during laser powder bed fusion of Ti–6Al–4V alloy. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2020. 110(11), 3467-3478. .
Changpeng Chen, Zhongxu Xiao, Haihong Zhu*, Xiaoyan Zeng, Distribution and evolution of thermal stress during multi-laser powder bed fusion of Ti-6Al-4V alloy, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 284(2020): 116726. .
Zhongxu Xiao, Changpeng Chen, Haihong Zhu*, Zhiheng Hu, Balasubramanian Nagarajcean , Lianbo Guo, Xiaoyan Zeng, Study of residual stress in selective laser melting of Ti6Al4V, Materials & Design, 19(2020):108846..
Gang Xue, Linda Ke, Hailong Liao, Changpeng Chen, Haihong Zhu*. Effect of SiC particle size on densification behavior and mechanical properties of SiCp/AlSi10Mg composites fabricated by laser powder bed fusion, Journal of Alloys and Compounds , 845 (2020): 156260..
Yang Qi, Hu Zhang, Junjie Zhu, Xiaojia Nie, Zhiheng Hu, Haihong Zhu*, Xiaoyan Zeng, Mechanical behavior and microstructure evolution of Al-Cu-Mg alloy produced by laser powder bed fusion: Effect of heat treatment, Materials Characterization , 165(2020):110364..
Hailong Liao, Junjie Zhu, Shijie Chang, Gang Xue, Haihong Zhu*, Baijin Chen, Al2O3 loss prediction model of selective laser melting Al2O3–Al composite, Ceramics International, 2020, 46(9):13414-13423. .
Zhongxu Xiao, Changpeng Chen, Zhiheng Hu, Haihong Zhu*, Xiaoyan Zeng, Effect of rescanning cycles on the characteristics of selective laser melting of Ti6Al4V, Optics and Laser Technology, 122(2020):105890..