·Paper Publications
Yang Liu, Jian-zhong Huang, Xiao-dong Shi, Qiang Cao, Chang-sheng Xie. Strip-oriented Asynchronous Prefetching for Parallel Disk Systems. Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE C (Computers & Electronics), ISSN 1869-1951, doi = 10.1631 /jzus.C1200085,2012
Release time:2018-03-06  Hits:
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Xu Zhou and Qiang Cao, D-PALD: A Dynamic Power-Aware Load Dispatcher with Response Time Percentile Guarantee in Heterogeneous Clusters, The 8th IEEE International Conference on Networking, Architecture, and Storage (NAS 2013) , July, 2013. pp. 336 – 340
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Jing Yang, Qiang Cao, Xu Li, Changsheng Xie, and Qing Yang,ST-CDP: Snapshots in TRAP for Continuous Data Protection, IEEE Transaction on Computer, 61(6), 753- 766 ,2012