4. Haixin Chang, Jinghong Li, Electrochemical impedance probing of transcriptional TATA binding protein based on TATA box site-specific binding, Electrochemistry Communications, 2009, 11, 2101-2104.
上一条:3. Ying Wang, Jin Lu, Longhua Tang, Haixin Chang, Jinghong Li, Graphene oxide-amplified electrogenerated chemiluminescence of quantum dots and its selective sensing for glutathione from thiol containing compounds,Analytical Chemistry 2009, 81, 9710-9715.
下一条:5. Haixin Chang, Zhenhua Sun, Qinghong Yuan, Feng Ding, Xiaoming Tao, Feng Yan, Zijian Zheng, Thin film field-effect phototransistors from bandgap-tunable, solution-processed, few-layer reduced graphene oxide films,Advanced Materials, 2010, 22, 4872–4876.