·Paper Publications
- [21] Chen, L.; Zhang, Y.; Zhou, J.; Singh, V.P.; Guo, S.; Zhang, J., Real-time error correction method combined with combination flood forecasting technique for improving the accuracy of flood forecasting, Journal of Hydrology, 2015. 521: 157~169..
- [22] Zhang, J.; Chen, L.; Singh, V.P.; Cao, H.; Wang, D., Determination of the distribution of flood forecasting error, Natural Hazards, 2015. 75(2): 2065~2065..
- [23] Chen, L.; Singh, V.P.; Guo, S.; Zhou, J.; Ye, L., Copula entropy coupled with artificial neural network for rainfall-runoff simulation, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 2014. 28(7): 1755~1767..
- [24] Chen, L.; Ye, L.; Singh, V.P.; Zhou, J.; Guo, S., Determination of Input for Artificial Neural Networks for Flood Forecasting Using the Copula Entropy Method, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 2014.11, 19(11)..
- [25] Chen, L.; Singh, V.P.; Guo, S., Measure of Correlation between River Flows Using the Copula-Entropy Method, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 2013. 18(12): 1591~1606..
- [26] Chen, L.; Singh, V.P.; Guo, S.; Mishra, A.K.; Guo, J., Drought Analysis Using Copulas, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 2013. 18(7): 797~808..
- [27] Chen, L.; Singh, V.P.; Guo, S.; Fang, B.; Liu, P., A new method for identification of flood seasons using directional statistics, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 2013. 58(1): 28~40..
- [28] Chen, L.; Singh, V.P.; Guo S.; Hao, Z.; Li, T., Flood Coincidence Risk Analysis Using Multivariate Copula Functions, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 2012. 17(6): 742~755..
- [29] Chen, L.; Guo, S.; Yan, B.; Liu, P.; Fang, B., A new seasonal design flood method based on bivariate joint distribution of flood magnitude and date of occurrence, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 2010, 55(8):1264~1280..
- [30] 钟文杰; 陈璐; 周建中; 仇红亚; 黄康迪, 考虑随机来水的水电站中长期发电调度多重风险分析, 长江科学院院报..