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副教授 博士生导师 硕士生导师
学科:热能工程- [1] Chen YQ, Yang HP, Yang Q, Hao HM, Zhu B, Chen HP. Torrefaction of agriculture straws and its application on biomass pyrolysis poly-generation. Bioresour Technol 2014;156:70-7..
- [2] Chen YQ, Zhang X, Chen W, Yang HP, Chen HP. The structure evolution of biochar from biomass pyrolysis and its correlation with gas pollutant adsorption performance. Bioresour Technol 2017;246:101-9..
- [3] Chen YQ, Liu B, Yang HP, Wang XH, Zhang X, Chen HP. Generalized two-dimensional correlation infrared spectroscopy to reveal the mechanisms of lignocellulosic biomass pyrolysis. Proc Combust Inst 2019;37(3):3013-21..
- [4] Chen YQ, Liu B, Yang HP, Yang Q, Chen HP. Evolution of functional groups and pore structure during cotton and corn stalks torrefaction and its correlation with hydrophobicity. Fuel 2014;137:41-9..
- [5] Chen Y, Fang Y, Yang H, Xin S, Zhang X, Wang X, Chen H. Effect of volatiles interaction during pyrolysis of cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin at different temperatures. Fuel 2019;248:1-7..
- [6] Chen YQ, Yang HP, Wang XH, Zhang SH, Chen HP. Biomass-based pyrolytic polygeneration system on cotton stalk pyrolysis: Influence of temperature. Bioresour Technol 2012;107:411-8..
- [7] Chen YQ, Yang HP, Wang XH, Chen W, Chen HP. Biomass Pyrolytic Polygeneration System: Adaptability for Different Feedstocks. Energy Fuels 2016;30(1):414-22..