·Paper Publications
BayesianLearning-Based Model-Predictive Vibration Control for Thin-Walled WorkpieceMachining Processes , Ye Yuan; Hai-Tao Zhang*; Yue Wu; Tao Zhu; Han Ding; IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 2017, 22(1):509-520. (期刊论文)
Release time:2021-05-12  Hits:
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Posture optimization methodology of 6Rindustrial robots for machining using performance evaluation indexes, Yang Lin; Huan Zhao*; Han Ding; Roboticsand Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 2017, 48: 59-72. (期刊论文)
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SubsurfaceDeformation Generated by Orthogonal Cutting: Analytical Modeling andExperimental Verification , Dong Zhang; Xiao-Ming Zhang*; Jürgen Leopold; Han Ding; Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering -Transactions of the ASME, 2017, 139(9): 094502. (期刊论文)