- 上一条:Lansheng Han , Man Zhou∗, Wenjing Jia , Zakaria Dalil , Xingbo Xu. Intrusion detection model of wireless sensor networks based on game theory and an autoregressive model, Information Sciences,Elsevier,(2018). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ins.2018.06.017 (SCI期刊,中科院Q1,CCF B类,JCR Q1,5-years IF 4.378)
- 下一条:Lansheng Han, Yongquan Cui, Congying Dou, Nan Du, Shuaxia Han, Jingmao You, Equilibrium Index and Core Node Set of New Social Networks. IEEE Access, 05 February 2018, DOI: 10.1109/ ACCESS, Page(s): 9059 - 9069. 2018. 2801828 (SCI期刊,中科院2区,CCF B,JCR Q1,IF 3.58)