- Professional Title:助理研究员(自然科学)
- Department:School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
- Education Level:Postgraduate (Doctoral)
- Degree:Doctoral Degree in Engineering
- Xinggang Fan, Bin Zhang, Ronghai Qu, Dawei Li,Jian Li,Yongsheng Huo,Comparative Thermal Analysis of IPMSMs With Integral-Slot Distributed-Winding (ISDW) and Fractional-Slot Concentrated-Winding (FSCW) for Electric Vehicle Application.[J].IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications,2019,(4):3577-3588
- Longfei Cao, Xinggang Fan, Dawei Li, Wubin Kong, Ronghai Qu, Zirui Liu.Improved LPTN-Based Online Temperature Prediction of Permanent Magnet Machines by Global Parameter Identification.[J].IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics,2022,(9):8830-8841
- Xinggang Fan, Dawei Li, Ronghai Qu, Cong Wang, Haiyang Fang,Water Cold Plates for Efficient Cooling: Verified on a Permanent Magnet Machine With Concentrated Winding.[J].IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics,2019,(7):5325-5336
- Xinggang Fan, Dawei Li, Ronghai Qu, Cong Wang,A Dynamic Multilayer Winding Thermal Model for Electrical Machines With Concentrated Windings.[J].IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics,2018,(8):6189-6199
- Xinggang Fan, Dawei Li, Wubin Kong, Longfei Cao, Ronghai Qu, Zhouping Yin,A dynamic multilayer winding thermal model for electrical machines with concentrated windings.[J].IEEE Transactions on Industry Electronics,2022,(5):4640-4650
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