Associate professor
Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Department:School of Mechanical Science & Engineering
Education Level:Postgraduate (Doctoral)
Degree:Doctoral Degree in Engineering
Discipline:Measurement Technology and Instrumentation
Mechatronic Engineering
[19] Yanhua Sun*, Jianbo Wu, Bo Feng, Yihua Kang. An Opening Electric-MFL Detector for the NDT of In-Service Mine Hoist Wire. IEEE Sensor Journal, 2014, 14(6): 2042-2047.
Pre One:[18] Zhijian Ye, Yihua Kang, Yanhua Sun*, Guangyou Yang, Bo Feng, Qian Zhou. Theoretical analyses of an alternating current electric flux leakage inspection method and experimental verification. Insight, 2015, 57(2): 78-84.
Next One:[20] Bo Feng, Jianbo Wu, Yun Yang and Yihua Kang. Magnetizing Method for High Precision MFL Inspection of Longitudinal Defects of Thick Wall Steel Pipe. Advanced Materials Research, 2013, 718-720:898-902
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