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- [1] Bo Feng*, Weixi Chen, Satoshi Ito, Noritaka Yusa, Hidetoshi Hashizume, Artur L. Ribeiro and Helena G. Ramos. Quantitative evaluation of the delamination length in mechanical lap joints of high-temperature superconducting tapes using Lamb waves. Measurement, 2020, 156: 107606..
- [2] Bo Feng, Dario J. Pasadas, Artur L. Ribeiro, Helena G. Ramos*. Locating Defects in Anisotropic CFRP Plates Using ToF-Based Probability Matrix and Neural Networks. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2019, 68(5), 1252-1260..
- [3] Bo Feng, Yihua Kang, Yanhua Sun*, Zhiyang Deng. Magnetization time lag caused by eddy currents and its influence on high-speed MFL testing. Research in Nondestructive Evaluation, 2019, 30(4): 189-204. .
- [4] Bo Feng, Artur Lopes Ribeiro, Helena Geirinhas Ramos*. A new method to detect delamination in composites using chirp-excited Lamb wave and wavelet analysis. NDT and E International, 2018, 100: 64–73..
- [5] Bo Feng, Artur L. Ribeiro, Tiago J. Rocha, Helena G. Ramos*. Comparison of Inspecting Non-Ferromagnetic and Ferromagnetic Metals Using Velocity Induced Eddy Current Probe. Sensors, 2018, 18(10), 3199..
- [6] Bo Feng*, Artur Lopes Ribeiro, Helena Geirinhas Ramos. Interaction of Lamb waves with the edges of a delamination in CFRP composites and a reference-free localization method for delamination. Measurement, 2018, 122: 424-431..
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- 1. 国家自然科学基金委,青年科学基金项目,52105551,基于线性调频兰姆波的碳纤维板低速冲击分层损伤监测与重构, 2022-2024,24万,在研,主持。,
- 2. 国家自然科学基金委,国家重大科研仪器研制项目,5202780089,多功能超声波锂离子电池综合分析仪,2021-2025,650万元,在研,参与。,
- 3. 国家自然科学基金委,面上项目,51275193,高速漏磁检测的磁后效及其作用机理研究,2013-2016,70万元,已结题,参与。,
- 4. 葡萄牙自然科学基金委(FCT)项目,Reliable Methods to Inspect CFP Composites,2016.01-2018.12,10万欧元,已结题,参与。,
- 5. 葡萄牙自然科学基金委(FCT)项目,In-service Inspection for Advanced Composite Aerospace Structures,2018.01-2021.12,24.7万欧元,在研,参与。,
- 6. 华中科技大学博士创新基金项目,高速漏磁检测中的磁化滞后效应及其影响研究,2015.02-2015.10,1万,已结题,主持。,