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副研究员(自然科学) 博士生导师 硕士生导师
- [1] Zan, FX., Iqbal, A., Guo, G., Liu, XM., Dai, J., Ekama, GA., Chen, GH.*, (2020). Integrated food waste management with wastewater treatment in Hong Kong: Transformation, energy balance, economic analysis. Water Research (JCR一区,IF:9.130), Volume 184, October 2020, 116115..
- [2] Zan, FX.#, Zeng, Q.#, Chi, K., Hao, TW.*, Ekama, GA., (2020). A novel approach for rapidly measuring volatile fatty acids in anaerobic process. Water Research (JCR一区,IF: 9.130). Volume 182, September 2020, 115960..
- [3] Zan, FX., Dai, J., Jiang, F.*, Ekama, GA., Chen, GH.*, (2020), Ground food waste discharge to sewer enhances methane gas emission: A lab-scale investigation. Water Research (JCR一区,IF:9.130), Volume 174, May 2020, 115616..
- [4] Zan, FX., Zeng, Q., Hao, TW.*, Ekama, GA., Hao, XD., Chen, GH., (2019). Achieving methane production enhancement from waste activated sludge with sulfite pretreatment: Feasibility, kinetics and mechanism study. Water Research (JCR一区,IF:9.130). Volume 158, July 2019, Pages 438-448..
- [5] Zan, FX.#, Liang, Z.#, Jiang, F.*, Dai, J.*, Chen, GH. (2019). Effects of food waste addition on biofilm formation and sulfide production in a gravity sewer. Water Research (JCR一区,IF:9.130). Volume 157, June 2019, Pages 64-82..
- [6] Zan, FX., Huang, H., Guo, G.*, Chen, GH., (2021). Sulfite pretreatment enhances the biodegradability of primary sludge and waste activated sludge towards cost-effective and carbon-neutral sludge treatment. Science of the Total Environment,Volume 780, 1 August 2021, 146634 (JCR 一区,IF:6.551).
- [7] Zan, FX., Guo, G.*, Zheng, TL., Chen, GH.*, (2021). Biofilm development in a pilot-scale gravity sewer: Physical characteristics, microstructure and microbial communities. Environmental Research (JCR 一区,IF:5.715), Volume 195, April 2021, 110838..
- [8] Zan, FX., Hao, TW.*, (2020). Sulfate in anaerobic co-digester accelerates methane production from food waste and waste activated sludge. Bioresource Technology (JCR一区,IF:7.539), Volume 298, 2020,122536..
- [9] Zan, FX., Dai, J., Jiang, F., Chan, CC., Chen, GH.*, (2020). Test of transformation mechanism of food waste and its impacts on sulfide and methane production in the sewer system. Water Science and Technology (JCR三区,IF:1.638). Volume 81(4), 2020, 845-852..
- [10] Zan, FX., Dai, J.*, Hong, YZ., Wong, MY., Jiang, F.*, Chen, GH. (2018). The characteristics of household food waste in Hong Kong and their implications for sewage quality and energy recovery. Waste Management (JCR一区,IF:5.448), Volume 74, April 2018, Pages 63-73..