Associate professor
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
- Professional Title:Associate professor
- Gender:Male
- Status:Employed
- Department:School of Energy and Power Engineering
- Education Level:Postgraduate (Doctoral)
- Degree:Doctoral Degree in Engineering
- Alma Mater:The University of Texas at Arlington
Scientific Research
Research Field
No content
Paper Publications
- Y. Guan, M. Wang, S. Wu, J.Fu, X. Chen*,.The spreading and sliding characteristics of droplet impingement on an inclined hydrophobic surface at low Weber numbers.International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow,2023,109113
- Y. Tian, L. Di, W. Lai, Y. Guan*, W. Deng, and Y. Huang*.Numerical investigation of air cushioning in the impact of micro-droplet under electrostatic fields.Physics of Fluids,2023,013339
- Y. Guan, M. Wang, S. Wu, Y. Tian, D. Ye*, Y. Huang*.Modeling and analysis of electrohydrodynamic printing under various pulsed voltage waveforms.Microfluidics and Nanofluidics,2023,10
- Y. Guan, M. Wang, S. Wu, Y. Sha, Y. Tian, D. Ye*, Y. Huang*.The internal flow behaviors during Taylor cone formation of pulsating electrohydrodynamic jet printing.Physics of Fluids,2022,122007
- Y. Tian, Z. Peng, Y. Liu, L. Di, Z. Zhan, D. Ye, Y. Guan, X. Zhou, W. Deng*, and Y. Huang*.Effects of the electric field on the overall drop impact on a solid surface.Physical Review Fluids,2022,113604