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教授 硕士生导师
学科:计算机系统结构- [1] Song Guo, Deze Zeng, Lin Gu: Green C-RAN: A Joint Approach to the Design and Energy Optimization. VTC-Fall 2017: 1-5.
- [2] Sheng Tao, Lin Gu, Deze Zeng, Hai Jin, Kan Hu: Fairness-aware dynamic rate control and flow scheduling for network function virtualization. IWQoS 2017: 1-6;.
- [3] Fei Chen, Song Wu, Hai Jin, Yin Yao, Zhiyi Liu, Lin Gu, Yongluan Zhou:Lever: towards low-latency batched stream processing by pre-scheduling. SoCC 2017: 643;.
- [4] Yu Zhang, Xiaofei Liao, Hai Jin, Lin Gu, Guang Tan, Bing Bing Zhou: HotGraph: Efficient Asynchronous Processing for Real-World Graphs. IEEE Trans. Computers 66(5): 799-809 (2017);.
- [5] Jie Zhang, Deze Zeng, Lin Gu, Hong Yao, Muzhou Xiong: Joint Optimization of Virtual Function Migration and Rule Update in Software Defined NFV Networks. GLOBECOM 2017: 1-5;.
- [6] Deze Zeng, Jie Zhang, Lin Gu, Peng Li, Hong Yao: Minimize Coflow Completion Time via Joint Optimization of Flow Scheduling and Processor Placement. GLOBECOM 2017: 1-5;.
- [7] Lin Gu, Deze Zeng, Song Guo, Ahmed Barnawi, Yong Xiang: Cost Efficient Resource Management in Fog Computing Supported Medical Cyber-Physical System. IEEE Trans. Emerging Topics Comput. 5(1): 108-119 (2017);.
- [8] Deze Zeng, Jie Zhang, Song Guo, Lin Gu, Kun Wang: Take Renewable Energy into CRAN toward Green Wireless Access Networks. IEEE Network 31(4): 62-68 (2017);.
- [9] Yu Zhang, Lin Gu, Xiaofei Liao, Hai Jin, Deze Zeng, Bing Bing Zhou:FRANK: A Fast Node Ranking Approach in Large-Scale Networks. IEEE Network 31(1): 36-43 (2017);.
- [10] Deze Zeng, Shiyan Zhang, Lin Gu, Shui Yu, Zhangjie Fu:Quality-of-sensing aware budget constrained contaminant detection sensor deployment in water distribution system. J. Network and Computer Applications 103: 274-279 (2018);.