Guo Hongxing


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Guo Hongxing received the B.S and Ph.D from Wuhan University. He served as a Post Ph.D researcher at school of computer science and technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology(HUST) for two years, where he is an associate professor now. He was a visiting scholar at the University of Alberta, Canada , financially supported by the China Scholarship Council (CSC) from August, 2010 to August, 2011, then he continued as a visiting professor at the same university from September, 2011 to November, 2011. He has been engaged on research and teaching in video coding and intelligent processing, networked video streaming systems and next generation wireless networking and VANETs for more than ten years. He published several papers in some important journals and conferences such as ACM MultimediaIEEE ICMEIEEE ICCCN and Springer Multimedia Systems, one paper was nominated as the best paper candidates at IEEE ICME 2011. He also developed practical embedded video servers, which were applied to networked video surveillance systems successfully.


[1]      郭红星,熊豆,夏涛,孙伟平,范晔斌一种适用于自由视点三维视频的人眼注视方向跟踪方法中华人民共和国发明专利,申请号:2017106278226

[2]      郭红星,潘澧,卢涛,夏涛,孙伟平,范晔斌一种融合色彩和深度信息的室内场景轮廓检测方法中华人民共和国发明专利,申请号:2017108079706

[3]     郭红星,潘俊夫,朱文周一种计算复杂度感知的视频解码宏块级并行调度方法中华人民共和国发明专利,申请号:201510937350.5

[4]     郭红星,朱文周,杨建群,潘俊夫,苏曙光,孙伟平一种网络视频流的无参考图像质量在线估计方法中华人民共和国发明专利,申请号:201510930619.7

[5]     郭红星,王洁,余胜生,田婷,孙伟平 基于码率型转码辅助的视频空间分辨率转换方法中华人民共和国发明专利,专利号:ZL201010257652.52012822

[6]     郭红星,田婷,余胜生 张爱华 一种视频流解码计算复杂度估计方法中华人民共和国发明专利,专利号:ZL201010502968.620121219

[7]     余胜生,孙伟平,郭红星,陈加忠,陈小平,高毅 用于视频帧内编码的KLT矩阵训练方法中华人民共和国发明专利,专利号: ZL200910060558.8.

[8]     周敬利,余胜生,郭红星,陈博明,陈加忠,张爱华,范晔斌一种变长码的编码和解码方法中华人民共和国发明专利,专利号:ZL200510018179.4

[9]     L Huang, H Jiang, Z Zhang, Z Yan, H Guo. Efficient Data Traffic Forwarding for Infrastructure-to-Infrastructure Communications in VANETs. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2017

[10]  余胜生,代江华,孙伟平,郭红星基于在线判别分析的鲁棒L1视觉跟踪算法华中科技大学学报(自然科学版), 2014年第8期,pp. 1-6

[11]  Wenzhou Zhu, Junfu Pan, Hongxing Guo, Weiping Sun. Parallel Optimization of Motion Estimation for Video Coding on Cell BE Processors. The 15th IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), 2014

[12]  Hongxing Guo, Keben Hu, Tao Xia. Energy-Efficient Co-Scheduling of Receiving Packets and Decoding Tasks on Mobile Video Streaming Terminals. The 15th IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), 2014

[13]  Guo Hongxing, Cui Rui, Zhang Aihua. Cross-Layer Transmission for Video Streaming in Wireless Relay Networks. The 10th International Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing Conference(IWCMC),2014

[14]  郭红星,王恒伟,田婷,张爱华,余胜生嵌入式视频解码器运动补偿的数据布局优化计算机技术与发展,201323(4): 24-28

[15]  田婷,余胜生,郭红星,苏曙光视频解码计算复杂度的线性建模理论及在线预测方法计算机学报,2012,35(10):2048-2062

[16]  Guo Hongxing, Cui Rui, Zhang Hanchen, Zhang Aihua. Cross-Layer Cooperative Transmission for Improving Throughput in Wireless Relay Networks. In: Proc. of 11th IEEE ICSP, 2012:1575-1578

[17]  Hongxing Guo, Jie Wang, Ting Tian, Aihua Zhang. Transrating-Assisted MPEG-4 Video Resizing with Rate-distortion Optimization. In: Proc. of the 10th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing and Multimedia(MoMM2012), 2012:289-292

[18]  Tian Ting, Guo Hongxing, Yu Shengsheng. Linear-model based Adaptive Prediction for Video Decoding Complexity. 12th IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), 2011, pp 1-6(获最佳论文提名)

[19]  Tao Sheng, Xinglei Zhu, Guogang HuaHongxing Guo, Jingli Zhou, Chang Wen Chen. Feedback-free rate-allocation scheme for transform domain WynerZiv video coding. Multimedia Systems2010, 16(2):127-137

[20]  Tao Sheng, Guogang Hua, Hongxing Guo, Jingli Zhou, Chang Wen Chen. Rate Allocation for Transform Domain Wyner-Ziv Video Coding without Feedback. ACM Multimedia(ACM MM), 2008, pp.701-704, October 2008, Vancouver, BC, Canada

[21]  Tao Sheng, Byung Joon Oh, Guogang Hua, Hongxing Guo, Jingli Zhou, Chang Wen Chen. Robust Video Transmission Over Packet Erasure Wireless Channels Based on Wyner-Ziv Coding of Motion Regions. 17th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks(ICCCN), pp. 732-737, August 2008, St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin  Islands.

[22]  Ting Tian, Shengsheng Yu, Hongxing Guo. Linear Modeling for MPEG-4 Intra Frame Decoding Complexity Prediction based on Statistical Analysis. In: Proc. of 10th IEEE ICSP, 2010:2484-2487

[23]  Guo Hongxing, Wang Jie, Tian Ting, et al. Transrating-Assisted Spatial Resolution Reducing for MPEG-4 Video Streams. In: Proc. of 10th IEEE ICSP, 2010:1149-1152

[24]  Yalin Dou, Hongxing Guo, Jingli Zhou. A Novel Similarity Measure of Vague Values and Vague Sets Based on Multi- geometric Characteristics. International Journal of Computational Science, 2010, 4(2):156-172

[25]  Guo Hongxing, Cheng Li, Tian Ting. Adaptive Winner-Update Search for Efficient Motion Vector Estimation in Video Coding. In:Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Audio, Language and Image Processing 2008:975-980

[26]  Guo Hongxing, Dou Yaling, Tian Ting, Zhou Jingli, Yu Shengsheng. A robust foreground segmentation method by temporal averaging multiple video frames. In:Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Audio, Language and Image Processing 2008:878-882

[27]  Shengsheng Yu, Ting Tian, Jingli Zhou, Hongxing Guo. An adaptive packet transmission model for real-time embedded network streaming server. In:Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Audio, Language and Image Processing 2008:848-853

[28]  Yaling Dou, Hongxing Guo, Jingli Zhou. A New Approach for the Shortest Path Problem with Vague Sets. In: Proc. of International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Design(ISCID '08), 2008:137-140

[29]  Yaling Dou, Hongxing Guo, Jingli Zhou. On the Shortest Path to Solve the Problem Based on Vague Sets. In: Proc. of Fifth International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery(FSKD '08), 2008:85-89

[30]  Guo Hongxing, Xia Xiaojian, Sun Weiping, Zhou Jingli, Yu Shengsheng. An Memory-Efficient Variable Length Decoding Scheme for Embedded MPEG-4 Video Decoders. In:Proc of IEEE ICSP,2006:1694-1697

[31]  Guo Hongxing, Sheng Tao, Sun Weiping, Zhou Jingli, Yu Shengsheng. Cache optimization for an embedded MPEG-4 video decoder. In:Proc of IEEE ICSP,2006:612-615

[32]  Guo Hongxing, Su Lei, Yu Shengsheng, Zhou Jingli. Mathematical Properties of Four Wavelet Filters and Their Performance in Embedded Image Coders. In: Proc. of IEEE ICSP,2004:831-834

[33]  Hongxing Guo, Shengsheng Yu, Jingli Zhou. An Efficient Algorithm for Low Bit Rate Video Coding. In: Proc. of IEEE ICNNSP,2003:1135-1138

[34]  郭红星余胜生周敬利减少低比特率视频编码计算复杂性的一种新方法电子学报, 2002, 30(10):1445-1449

[35]  郭红星余胜生保宗悌王延平电容层析成象的电场分布与反演电子学报,2002, 30(1):62-65

[36]  窦亚玲,郭红星,周敬利近似推理中模糊蕴涵算子的构造与选择华中科技大学学报(自然科学版)201038(6):32-35

[37]  周敬利,陈博明,郭红星嵌入式多路网络视频解码器的自适应数据接取策略华中科技大学学报, 2007, 35(10):42-45

[38]  向东,周敬利,余胜生,郭红星基于时空相关性的宏块编码模式预测算法小型微型计算机系统,2006, 27(1):101-103

[39]  郭红星,钟俊杰,余胜生,张爱华自适应混合高斯背景建模算法的GPU并行优化 见:第8届全国和谐人机环境联合学术大会(HHME)论文集北京:清华大学出版社,201346-51

[40]  郭红星,朱健,窦亚玲基于部分重传的无线多媒体传感器网络视频传输优化见:第五届和谐人机环境联合学术会议(HHME2009) 论文集,2009:153-160

[41]  郭红星,彭嘉丽,盛涛,田婷,张爱华无线多用户视频流中支持内容感知的包调度策略第四届和谐人机环境联合学术会议(HHME2008) 论文集北京:清华大学出版社,2009:103-109

[42]  郭红星韩卫芳田婷程立突出人脸感兴趣区域的低比特率视频编码方法:第十四届全国图象图形学学术会议论文集[C]. 北京:清华大学出版社, 2008. 611~616

[43]  郭红星程立夏小建周敬利一个用于双流视频编码的运动矢量重用算法见:第三届和谐人机环境联合学术会议(HHME2007) 论文集,2007:383-390

[44]  郭红星,周雄,盛涛支持内容感知的多路视频解码的数据接收方法研究见:第三届和谐人机环境联合学术会议(HHME2007) 论文集,2007:23-30

[45]  田婷郭红星孙伟平周敬利压缩域视频的文字信息嵌入方法:中国计算机学会文集0004和谐人机环境2006,北京:清华大学出版社,2007:32-37

[46]  郭红星,余胜生,周敬利一个健壮的用于低比特率视频编码的快速运动估计算法小型微型计算机系统,200223(9):1088-1091