Xiaotao Han

·Paper Publications

Current position: 英文主页 > Scientific Research > Paper Publications
Three-dimensional analysis and enhancement of continuous magnetic separation of particles in microfluidics
Release time:2018-10-09  Hits:

Indexed by: Journal paper

Document Code: 10.1007/s10404-014-1516-6

First Author: Xiaotao Han

Correspondence Author: Xiaotao Han

Journal: Microfluidics and Nanofluidics

Affiliation of Author(s): Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center

Volume: 18

Issue: 5-6

Page Number: 1209-1220

ISSN No.: 1613-4982

Key Words: Microfluidics Continuous magnetophoresis Separation efficiency Three-dimensional

Date of Publication: 2015-01-09

Abstract: In continuous magnetic separation process, particles can be deflected and separated from the direction of laminar flow by means of magnetic force depending on their magnetic susceptibility and size as well as the flow rate. To analyze and control dynamic behavior of these particles flowing in microchannels, a three-dimensional numerical model was proposed and solved for obtaining the particle trajectories under the action of a gradient magnetic field and flow field. The magnetic force distribution and particle trajectories obtained were firstly verified by analytical and experimental results.