Xiaotao Han
·Paper Publications
Indexed by: Journal paper
Document Code: 10.1109/TASC.2016.2531997
First Author: Lantao Huang
Correspondence Author: Xiaotao Han
Journal: IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity
Included Journals: EI、SCI
Affiliation of Author(s): Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center
Volume: 26
Issue: 4
Page Number: 1-4
ISSN No.: 1051-8223
Key Words: Mathematical model , Strain , Electromagnetics , Stress , Magnetic fields , Resistance , Computation
Date of Publication: 2016-06-09
Abstract: The electromagnetic forming (EMF) is a promising metal-forming process for the complex geometric shape and lightweight construction. Material behavior in EMF is one of the important researches. Herein, an experiment system of the electromagnetic ring expansion is employed to study the flow stress in the EMF with the consideration of the induced current, high strain rate, and temperature rise. Compared with the simulation results, the experiment results are analyzed to investigate the effect of induced current on the flow stress of the aluminum alloy during the EMF.