·Scientific Research
Research Field
Kun He, Professor of Computer Science. She focuses on basic theories and alsorithms for computer science, mainly on combitorial optimization, continuous optimization, and on machine learning, deep learning.She has published over 70 papers on conferences and Journals on NIPS, WWW, ICDM, ECML-PKDD, Information Sciences, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, European Journal of Operational Research, Computers & Operations Research, Theoretical Computer Science , etc.
Paper Publications
MORE+- [1] Kun He, Yingru Li, Sucheta Soundarajan, John E. Hopcroft. Hidden Community Detection in Social Networks. Information Sciences (INS), vol. 425: 92-106, 2018.
- [2] Yixuan Li, Kun He*, Kyle Kloster, David Bindel, John E. Hopcroft. Local Spectral Clustering for Overlapping Community Detection, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD), 12 (2):17, 2018.
- [3] Yuzhe Ma, Kun He*, John E. Hopcroft, Pan Shi. Neighbourhood Preserving Dimension Reduction via Localised Multidimensional Scaling. Theoretical Computer Science (TCS), vol. 734: 58-71, 2018.
- [4] John E. Hopcroft and Kun He. Computer Science in the Information Age, The IEEE Intelligent Informatics Bulletin, vol. 18(2): 3-6, 2018.
- [5] Pan Shi, Kun He*, David Bindel, John E. Hopcroft. Local Lanczos Spectral Approximation for Membership Identification. 2017 European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML-PKDD), Skopje, Macedonia, September 18-22, pp: 651-667, 2017.
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