·Paper Publications
[3] He M B, Liu N, Hu G, et al. A high-energy graphite spark gap switch[C]//2009 Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference. IEEE, 2009: 1-4. Citations:3.
Release time:2018-10-08  Hits:
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[4] Bai H, Li C, Liu J, et al. Investigation of a magnetic pulse compression system containing gas switch[C]//Signal Processing, Communications and Computing (ICSPCC), 2011 IEEE International Conference on. IEEE, 2011: 1-4. Citations:1.
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[2] He M, Li T, Pan Y. A high-energy spark gap switch and trigger system[C]//High Power Particle Beams (BEAMS), 2008 17th International Conference on. IEEE, 2008: 1-4. Citations:1.