· Personal Information
Associate professor
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Teacher College:IC College
Department:IC College
Education Level:Postgraduate (Doctoral)
Degree:Doctoral Degree in Engineering
Alma Mater:华中科技大学
Discipline: Microelectronics and Solid-state Electronics
Electromagnetic Fields and Microwave Technology
· Other Contact Information:
· Personal Profile
梁飞,博士,副教授,英国曼彻斯特大学微波和毫米波电磁设计中心访问学者。主持和参加了多项国家及省部级科研项目。在 Applied Physics Letters, Journal of Alloy and Compounds, Ceramics International, Materials Research Bulletin, Polymers, Journal of Electroceramic, Progress In Electromagnetics research, Microwave optical technology letters, Journal of electromagnet waves and application, China Communic...
· Education Experience
- 2002.9 ~ 2007.12
-  华中科技大学   Postgraduate (Doctoral) 
- 1997.9 ~ 2000.6
-  武汉理工大学   Postgraduate (Master's Degree) 
- 1993.9 ~ 1997.6
-  武汉工业大学   Undergraduate (Bachelor’s degree) 
· Work Experience
- 2003.11-2004.12
- 中华人民共和国教育部 - 科技司 - 项目助管
- 2005.11-2006.10
- 英国曼彻斯特大学 - 电子工程学院 - 访问学者
- 2000.7-Now
- 华中科技大学 - 电子科学系 - 助教,讲师,副教授 - 在职