Liang Luo


Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates

Supervisor of Master's Candidates



Department:School of Life Science and Technology

Education Level:Postgraduate (Doctoral)

Discipline:Biomedical Engineering

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Paper Publications

AIE-based theranostic systems for detection and killing of pathogens

Release time:2020-12-24 Hits:

Indexed by:Journal paper


Included Journals:SCI



Page Number:3223-3248

ISSN No.:1838-7640

DOI number:10.7150/thno.31844

Date of Publication:2019-05-18

Impact Factor:8.579

Abstract:Pathogenic bacteria, fungi and viruses pose serious threats to the human health under appropriate conditions. There are many rapid and sensitive approaches have been developed for identification and quantification of specific pathogens, but many challenges still exist. Culture/colony counting and polymerase chain reaction are the classical methods used for pathogen detection, but their operations are time-consuming and laborious. On the other hand, the emergence and rapid spread of multidrug-resistant pathogens is another global threat. It is thus of utmost urgency to develop new therapeutic agents or strategies. Luminogens with aggregation-induced emission (AIEgens) and their derived supramolecular systems with unique optical properties have been developed as fluorescent probes for turn-on sensing of pathogens with high sensitivity and specificity. In addition, AIE-based supramolecular nanostructures exhibit excellent photodynamic inactivation (PDI) activity in aggregate, offering great potential for not only light-up diagnosis of pathogen, but also image-guided PDI therapy for pathogenic infection.

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