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副教授 硕士生导师
2014 湖北省科技进步一等奖
2015 中国电子学会科技进步一等奖
2021 第七届中国国际“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛金奖指导教师
- [1] Chunhua Li,Man Wu, Yuhan Liu, Ke Zhou*, Ji Zhang and Yunqing Sun.SS-LRU: A Smart Segmented LRU Caching for Storage System.59th ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC'22), July 10-14, 2022, San Francisco, CA, USA. (CCF A),
- [2] Li Liu, Chunhua Li*, Zhou Zhang, Yuhan Liu, Ke Zhou, Ji Zhang.A Data-aware Learned Index Scheme for Efficient Writes.51st International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP 2022), August 29-September 1, 2022, Bordeaux, France. (CCF B, EI),
- [3] Yuanzhang Wang, Fengkui Yang, Ji Zhang, Ke Zhou, Chunhua Li*, Chong Liu, Zhuo Cheng.LDPP: A Learned Directory Placement Policy in Distributed File Systems..51st International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP 2022), August 29-September 1, 2022, Bordeaux, France.(CCF B),
- [4] Baoqing Cai,Yu Liu, Ce Zhang, Guangyu Zhang, Ke Zhou, Li Liu, Chunhua Li, Bin Cheng, Jie Yang, and Jiashu Xing.HUNTER: An Online Cloud Database Hybrid Tuning System for Personalized Requirements..2022 International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD'22), June 12–17, 2022, Philadelphia, PA, USA. (CCF A),
- [5] Xiaocui Li,Ke Zhou, Chunhua Li*, Xinyu Zhang, Yu Liu, Yangtao Wang.Chunhua Li.Multi-view clustering via neighbor domain correlation learning.Neural Computing and Applications[J],2021,33(8): 3403-3415 (CCF C, SCI),
- [6] Xiaocui Li, Yangtao Wang, Jingkuan Song, Yu Liu, Xinyu Zhang, Ke Zhou, Chunhua Li*.Chunhua Li.A low cost and un-cancelled laplace noise based differential privacy algorithm for spatial decompositions[J]..World Wide Web, 2020, 23(1): 549-572 (CCF B, SCI),
- [7] Chunhua Li,Peng Wang, Changhong Sun, Ke Zhou, Ping Huang.WiBPA: An Efficient Data Integrity Audit Scheme without Bilinear Pairings..Computers Materials & Continua, 58(2): 319-333, 2019 (SCI),
- [8] Chunhua Li,Jinbiao He, Cheng Lei, Chan Guo, Ke Zhou.Achieving Privacy-Preserving CP-ABE Access Control with Multi-Cloud..The 16th IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications (ISPA 2018), Dec.11-13, Melbourne, Australia. (CCF C, EI),
- [9] Chunhua Li,Weirui Xie, Ke Zhou.Efficient Binary-Encoding Access Control Policy Combination for Large-Scale Collaborative Scenarios..The 17th IEEE Inter. Conf. on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom 2018), July 31-Aug 3, New York (CCF C, EI),
- [10] Chunhua Li,Jiaqi Hu, Ke Zhou, Yuanzhang Wang, Hongyu Deng.Using Blockchain for Data Auditing in Cloud Storage..The 4th Inte. Conf. on Cloud Computing and Security (ICCCS2018), Haikou, China, June 8-10, 2018: 335-345 (EI),