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J. Ren, F.-F. Li, J. Lau, L. Ganzález-Urbina, S. Licht,* “One-Pot Synthesis of Carbon Nanofibers from CO2” Nano Lett. 2015, 15, 6142–6148. .
P. Peng, F.-F. Li, V. S. P. K. Neti, A. J. Metta-Magana, L. Echegoyen,* “Design, synthesis and X-Ray crystal structure of a fullerene-linked Metal-Organic Framework” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2014, 53, 160–163. .
A. A. Popov,* A. D. Pykhova, I. N. Ioffe, F.-F. Li, L. Echegoyen,* Anion radicals of isomeric [5,6] and [6,6] benzoadducts of Sc3N@C80: remarkable differences in endohedral cluster spin density and dynamics”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2014, 136, 13436–13441. .
Muqing Chen, LipiaoBao, Ping Peng, Wei Dai, Yunpeng Xie, Takeshi Akasaka and Xing Lu. Rigid tether directed regioselective synthesis and crystallographic characterization of labile 1,2,3,4-bis(triazolino)[60]fullerene and its thermolized derivatives. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2016, 128, 12066-12070. .
P. Peng, F.-F. Li, F. L. Bowles, V. S. P. K. Neti, A. J. Metta-Magana, M. M. Olmstead, A. L. Balch, L. Echegoyen,* “High yield synthesis of a new fullerene linker and its use in the formation of linear coordination polymer by silver complexation”, Chem. Commun. 2013, 49, 3209−3211. .
Zheng Shi†, Ping Peng†, Daniel Strohecker, Yi Liao. (†共同第一作者). Long-Lived Photoacid Based upon a Photochromic Reaction. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2011, 133, 14699–14703. .
M. R. Ceron, F.-F. Li, L. Echegoyen,* “An efficient method to separate Sc3N@C80 Ih and D5h Isomers and Sc3N@C78 by selective oxidation with acetylferrocenium [Fe(COCH3C5H4)Cp]+”, Chem.-Eur. J. 2013, 19, 7410–7415. .
Ping Peng, Daniel Strohecker, Yi Liao. Negative photochromism of a TCF chromophore. Chem. Commun. 2011, 47, 8575–8577. .
M. R. Ceron, F.-F. Li, L. Echegoyen,* “Endohedral Fullerenes: The Importance of Electronic, Size and Shape Complementarity between the Carbon Cages and the Corresponding Encapsulated Clusters” J. Phys. Org. Chem. 2014, 27, 258–264..
Ping Peng, Shaoguang Sun, Yixin Zhao, Haijian Xia, Wenjing Tian, Qun Liu. Novel donor–acceptor materials for organic light-emitting diodes based on α-cinnamoyl cyclic ketene dithioacetals. J. Lumine. 2006, 126, 464–468. .