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Yajing Hu, Albert Solé-Daura, Yang-Rong Yao, Xuechen Lou, Sijie Liu, Ao Yu, Ping Peng,* Josep M. Poblet, Antonio Rodríguez-Fortea,* Luis Echegoyen,* and Fang-Fang Li*, Chemical Reactions of Cationic Metallofullerenes: An Alternative Route for Exohedral Functionalization, Chem. Eur. J., 2019, Accepted.
Jiawen Ren, Ao Yu, Ping Peng, Matthew Lefler, Fang-Fang Li*, Stuart Licht. Recent Advances in Solar Thermal Electrochemical Process (STEP) For Carbon Neutral Products and High Value Nano-Carbons. Acc. Chem. Res. 2019, DOI: 10.1021/acs.accounts.9b00405.
Liu, X.; Li, F.-F.; Peng, P.; Licht, G.; Licht, S. Efficient Electrocatalytic Synthesis of Ammonia from Water and Air in a Membrane-free Cell: Confining the Iron-oxide Catalyst to the Cathode. European J. Inorg. Chem. 2019, DOI: 10.1002/ejic.201900667..
Jingjing Wang, Yangrong Yao, Sijie Liu, Yajing Hu, Ping Peng,* Changlin Liu, Suyuan Xie, Xing Lu, Fang-Fang Li, Synthesis of Metal-Fullerene Frameworks: The Influence of Metal Salts, Inorg. Chem. 2019, under revision.
Lijuan Zhao, Huiling Zhang, Jingjing Wang, Liyan Tian, Fang-Fang Li, Sijin Liu, Jose R Peralta-Videa, Jorge L. Gardea-Torresdey, Jason C. White, Yuxiong Huang, Arturo A. Keller, and Rong Ji, C60 Fullerols Enhance Copper Toxicity and Alter the Leaf Metabolite and Protein Profile in Cucumber,Environ. Sci. Technol., 2019, 53, 2171−2180.
Zhiyao Peng, Yajing Hu, Jingjing Wang, Sijie Liu, Chenxi Li, Qinglong Jiang, Jun Lu, Xiaoqiao Zeng,* Ping Peng,* and Fang-Fang Li,* Fullerene-Based In Situ Doping of N, Fe into a 3D Cross-Like Hierarchical Carbon Composite for High-Performance Supercapacitors, Adv. Energy Mater. 2019, 1802928..
Sijie Liu, Liting Cui, Zhiyao Peng, Jingjing Wang, Yajing Hu, Ao Yu, Haining Wang,* Ping Peng,* Fang-Fang Li*, Eco-friendly synthesis of N,S co-doped hierarchical nanocarbon as highly efficient metal-free catalyst for reduction of nitroarenes, Nanoscale, 2018, 10, 21764–21771..
Ping Peng, Ao Yu, Jiawen Ren,* Fang-Fang Li,* Electrolytic Carbons from CO2 and Their Applications, ES Energy & Environment, 2018, 2, 9-20..
F.-F. Li, R. Singhal, J. Ren, M. Johnson, M. Lefler and S. Licht*, Solar electrochemical thermal process (STEP) ammonia: Optimization of the electrolysis conditions, ChemRxiv, 2018..
P. Peng, F. -F. Li, X. Liu, J. Ren, J. Stuart, M. Lefler, M. Johnson, J. Vicini, S. Licht*, Chemical transformation of Fe, air & water to ammonia: variation of reaction rate with temperature, pressure, alkalinity, and iron, ChemRxiv, 2018..