Lin Y., Multi-Department Cooperativeness with Urban Planning, Land Use and Water Management for Implementation Plan of Waterfront Urban Design – Case Study of Yangzi Waterfront Commercial District in Wuhan China, 50th ISOCARP International Planning Congress (ISOCARP), Gdynia, Poland, 2014.09.23-09.26
Release time:2019-08-26 Hits:
Pre One:Lin ying, li mengchen, how to deal with the transition dilemma of urban and rural planning in the period of deepening reform from the perspective of public policy, urban development research, 2014 (05) : 73-78.
Next One:Lin Y., Henderson R., Centralization and Urban Design Implementation Innovation in Wuhan China,54th Annual Conference, Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP), Philadelphia, USA, 2014.10.30-11.02