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学科:生物医学工程- [31] Yachao Wang, Jinchi Zhu, Peng Chen, Yiwei Li, Shuangqian Yan, Jie Wang, Wei Du, Bi-Feng Liu*, Wound-on-a-chip: High-throughput 3D wound healing assay with a novel SU-8 mesh chip, Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical, 2019, 280, 86-93..
- [32] Xiaojun Feng, Xin Liu, Qingming Luo, and Bi-Feng Liu*, Mass Spectrometry in Systems Biology: An Overview, Mass Spectrometry Reviews, 2008, 27, 635-660..
- [33] Peng Chen, Xiaojun Feng, Shuangqian Yan, Yiran Guo, Jie Wang, Yiwei Li, Dongjuan Chen, Wei Du, Bi-Feng Liu*, Precision guided microfluidic chemical perfusion strategy for celldynamic imaging, Sensors and Actuators B 2018, 263, 281-288..
- [34] Yiwei Li, Dongjuan Chen, Yifang Zhang, Chao Liu, Peng Chen, Yachao Wang,Xiaojun Feng, Wei Du, Bi-Feng Liu*, High-throughput single cell multidrug resistance analysis with multifunctional gradients-customizing microfluidic device, Sensors and Actuators B, 2016, 225, 563-571..
- [35] Peng Chen, Xiaojun Feng, Dongjuan Chen, Chao Liu, Wei Du, Bi-Feng Liu*, Investigating intercellular calcium waves by microfluidic gatedpinched-flow, Sensors and Actuators B, 2016, 234, 583-592..
- [36] Jingjing Wanga, Zhaoyu Li b, Zijing Xu, Liang Hu, Xiaojun Feng, Maorong Chen, Wei Du, Zhengxing Wu, Qingming Luo, Tao Xub∗, Bi-Feng Liua,∗ Development of an integrated microfluidic device for evaluating of in vivo chemo-sensing of intact Caenorhabditis elegans, Sensors and Actuators B, 2013, 178, 343-349..
- [37] Xuemei Zeng,† Shuangqian Yan,† Chao Di, Mengcheng Lei, Peng Chen, Wei Du, Yang Jin,* and Bi-Feng Liu*, “All-in-One”Silver Nanoprism Platform for Targeted Tumor Theranostics, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2020, 12, 11329−11340..
- [38] Jie Wang, Wei Li, Leicheng Zhang, Lin Ban, Peng Chen, Wei Du, Xiaojun Feng, and Bi-Feng Liu*, Chemically Edited Exosomes with Dual Ligand Purified by Microfluidic Device for Active Targeted Drug Delivery to Tumor Cells, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2017, 9, 27441-27452..
- [39] Shuangqian Yan,† Xian Zhang,† Xiaofang Dai, Xiaojun Feng, Wei Du, and Bi-Feng Liu*, Rhipsalis (Cactaceae)-like Hierarchical Structure Based Microfluidic Chip for Highly Efficient Isolation of Rare Cancer Cells, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2016, 8, 33457-33463..
- [40] Yue Dong,‡ Chen Yi,‡ Shanshan Yang, Jie Wang, Peng Chen, Xin Liu, Wei Du, Song Wang*, Bi-Feng Liu*, A substrate-free graphene oxide-based micromotor for rapid adsorption of antibiotics, Nanoscale, 2019, 11, 4562-4570..