Liu Dongsheng, Lin Huan, Zou Xuecheng, Guo Liang, Yao Ke, Liu Zilong. A High Sensitivity Analog Front-end Circuit for Semi-Passive HF RFID Tag Applied to Implantable Devices. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I-Regular Papers, Vol. 62(8): 1991-2002, Aug 2015. (SCI, IF 2.407)
上一条:H. Lin, D.S. Liu, C. Zhang, Y.H. Dong, Design and Implementation of a Lattice-Based Public-Key Encryption Scheme. JCSC. May.2018.
下一条:Liu Dongsheng, Liu Zilong, Li Lun, Zou Xuecheng. A Low-Cost Low-Power Ring Oscillator-Based Truly Random Number Generator for Encryption on Smart Cards. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-II: Express Briefs, Vol. 63(6):608-612, Jun. 2016. (SCI, IF 1.66)