

刘宏芳,女,1968年生,1992.6月在华中理工大学化学系获理学学士学位、1997.6月在华中理工大学化学系获工学硕士学位、2000.6月在华中科技大学材料科学与工程学院获得工学博士学位,2003.1-2005.1日本广岛大学Venture Business Laboratory客员研究员,2007年晋升为华中科技大学教授。

现任华中科技大学化学与化工学院副院长,中国腐蚀与防护学会常务理事,湖北省腐蚀与防护学会副理事长,武汉腐蚀与防护学会理事长、书记;2012年获南京市科技领军人才(321人才计划),2014年入选南京市创业企业家计划,2015年获第八批武汉光谷3551人才计划,2016年获得湖北省创新创业团队项目资助。中国腐蚀与防护学报、装备环境工程等杂志编委,Corrosion ScienceASC Applied Materials & InterfacesAnalyst ChemistryJournal of Electroanalytical ChemistryNanoscale30多种期刊评审专家。

   主要从事材料化学领域的研究工作,主要包括材料腐蚀与防护、纳米功能材料合成及应用、生物传感器、微生物污损控制及功能化应用等。擅长研究水系统微生物腐蚀与控制、绿色水处理药剂研发(缓蚀、阻垢、杀菌、破乳等)、微生物脱臭、材料界面电化学(氧还原,析氢,基于生物小分子双氧水、硫化氢、氨基酸、多肽等快速电催化反应)等。近年来主持国家及省部级课题10余项,中石化、中海油、中石油合作项目40余项。系统地调查研究了我国陆地和海洋油气田微生物对金属材料的腐蚀行为,在微生物多样性、腐蚀差异性、耐药性及生物污损控制及利用等方面开展了大量基础与应用基础研发工作。目前相关技术已经在胜利、华北、大庆、吉林、江苏、长庆等油田现场应用,为油气安全生产提供了理论和技术支持。在生物传感领域,研制了硫酸盐还原菌腐蚀检测传感器、石墨烯基自支撑硫酸盐还原菌快速测定传感器、基于仿生穆雷结构MOF型柔性课穿戴汗液传感器。目前在相关领域发表学术论文200多篇,SCI收录140余篇,申请发明专利24项,产业化应用3项,2015年获评南京市创业领军人物奖。2017年中文核心期刊腐蚀科学与防护技术,2015, 27(1): 7-12论文被评为2011-2016年五年内腐蚀科学领域优秀论文(共10篇)。










3)生物菌催化脱硫及老化油再生技术,节能环保与新能源, 湖北省双创团队,2015-2017















1)南京领军型科技创业计划入选项目,专有及专利技术复合吡啶季胺盐 ,为利用农药生产单位的下脚料,通过改性,实现资源再生,产品可作低温、中温、高温、超高温油井酸化缓蚀剂的复配主剂,还可以作电厂和机车产品、锅炉酸洗以及炼油厂缓蚀剂用。

2)3551光谷人才计划入选项目,专利技术(ZL 2011 2 0350649.3 ,201110277517.1. )老化油生物催化处理技术;本专有技术不仅使用于石油部门落地油的资源化再生,同时可实现含油污染土壤生态修复。目前技术处于市场应用放大阶段,参与的研究生同学10多人。经过多年悉心研究,从自然界分离出高效微生物菌株(中国典型培养物保存中心登记号:CCTCC NO:M2011135,2011276),通过菌株复合获得对老化油体系具有生物降解、生物破乳和生物脱硫功能菌,原油回收效果显著。专利技术名称:老化油生物脱硫反应装置及含该装置的系统,专利号:ZL 2011 2 0350649.3;一种老化油生物脱硫菌剂及利用该菌剂处理老化油的方法,专利号: ZL 201110277517.1.  所得产品油达到外输油标准。



1.  Zhengyun Wang, Jihoon Shin, Jin-Ho Park, Hakho Lee, Dong-Hwan Kim,*and Hongfang Liu*Engineering Materials for Electrochemical Sweat SensingAdv. Funct. Mater. 2020, 2008130.

2. Zhang Tiansui, Wang junlei, Zhang Guoan, Liu Hongfang*,The corrosion promoting mechanism of Aspergillus niger on 5083 aluminum alloy and inhibition performance of miconazole nitrate, Corrosion Science 176 (2020) 108930. 

3.Junlei Wang, Tiansui Zhang, Xinxin Zhang, Muhammed Asif, Lipei Jiang, Shuang Dong, Tingyue Gu, Hongfang Liu,*,Inhibition effects of benzalkonium chloride on Chlorella vulgaris induced corrosion of carbon steelJournal of Materials Science & Technology 43 (2020) 14–20

4.Ghazala Ashraf, Muhammad Asif, Ayesha Aziz,, Anh Quang Dao, Tiansui Zhang, Tayyaba lftikhar, Qin Wang, and Hongfang Liu , Facet-energy inspired metal oxide extended hexapods decorated with graphene quantum dots: sensitive detection of bisphenol A in live cells,  Nanoscale, 2020,12:9014-9023.

5.Ahmed A. Fadhil, Anees A. Khadom, Chaoyang Fu, Hongfang Liu, Hameed B.Mahood, Adel K. Mahmoud, Mohammed Z. Khalaf, Abdul Mun’em A. Karim, Ceramics coating materials for corrosion control of crude oil distillation column: Experimental and theoretical studiesCorrosion Science 162 (2020) 108220.

6.Ghazala AshrafMuhammad AsifAyesha Aziz Zhengyun WangXiaoyu Qiu Qin Huang*Fei XiaoHongfang Liu*Nanocomposites consisting of copper and copper oxide incorporated into MoS4 nanostructures for sensitive voltammetric determination of bisphenol AMicrochimica Acta ,2019, 186: 337. 

7.Junlei Wang, Chenjing Li, Xinxin Zhang,Muhammad Asif, Tiansui Zhang,Baoshan Hou, Yanyan Li, Wu Xia, HaitaoWang, and Hongfang Liu*Corrosion Behavior of Aspergillus niger on 7075 Aluminum Alloy and the Inhibition Effect of Zinc Pyrithione BiocideJournal of The Electrochemical Society, 166 (8) G1-G8 (2019)

8.Junlei Wang Fuping Xiong, Hongwei Liu , Tiansui Zhang, Yanyan Li, Chenjing Li, Wu Xia Haitao Wang, Hongfang Liu*, Study of the corrosion behavior of Aspergillus niger on 7075-T6 aluminumalloy in a high salinity environmentBioelectrochemistry 129 (2019) 10-17.

9.Muhammad Asif, Ayesha Aziz, Zhengyun Wang, Ghazala Ashraf, Junlei Wang, Hanbo Luo, Xuedong Chen, Fei Xiao*, and Hongfang Liu*Hierarchical CNTs@CuMn Layered Double Hydroxide Nanohybrid with Enhanced Electrochemical Performance in H2S Detection from Live CellsAnal. Chem., 2019,91(6):3912-3920.

10.Junlei Wang, Baoshan Hou, Jun Xiang, Xuedong Chen, Tingyue Gu*, Hongfang Liu*The performance and mechanism of bifunctional biocide sodium pyrithione against sulfate reducing bacteria in X80 carbon steel corrosionCorrosion Science, 2019,150:296-308.  

11.Muhammad Asif, Ayesha Aziz1 ,Haitao Wang, Zhengyun Wang, Wei Wang, Muhammad Ajmal, Fei Xiao*, Xuedong Chen*, Hongfang Liu*, Superlattice stacking by hybridizing layered double hydroxide nanosheets with layers of reduced graphene oxide for electrochemical simultaneous determination of dopamine, uric acid and ascorbic acidMicrochimica Acta(2019) 186: 61 .

12. Y. Yu, X. Qiu, X. Zhang, Z. Wu, H. Wang, W. Wang, Z. Wang, H. Tan, Z. Peng, X. Guo, H. Liu*, Metal-organic frameworks derived bundled N-doped carbon nanowires confined cobalt phosphide nanocrystals as a robust electrocatalyst for hydrogen production, Electrochimica Acta (2019), doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.electacta.2018.12.184.

13.Aziz, M. Asif, M. Azeem, G. Ashraf, Z. Wang, F. Xiao, H. Liu*, Self-stacking of exfoliated charged nanosheets of LDHs and graphene as biosensor with real-time tracking of dopamine from live cells, Analytica Chimica Acta (2018), 2019,1047:197-207  doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aca.2018.10.008

14. Muhammad Asif, Ayesha Aziz, Ghazala Ashraf, Zhengyun Wang, Junlei Wang, Muhammad Azeem, Xuedong Chen, Fei Xiao*, and Hongfang Liu*, Facet Inspired Core-Shell Gold Nanoislands on Metal Oxides Octadecahedral Heterostructures: High Sensing Performance towards Sulfide in Biotic Fluids, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2018, 10 (43),36675–36685. 

15.Muhammad Asif, Ayesha Aziz, Zhengyun Wang and Hongfang Liu*. Chapter 5 Sensing of H2O2 as Cancer Biomarker with LDHs Nanostructures, Advances in BiosensorsReviews, Sergey Y. Yurish, Editor Volume 2, Published by IFSA Publishing, S. L., 2018. ISBN: 978-84-09-05394-0; e-ISBN: 978-84-09-05393-3, BN-20180930-XX, BIC: TCBS.

16.  Muhammad Asif, Ayesha Aziz, Muhammad Azeem, Zhengyun Wang, Ghazala Ashraf, Fei Xiao, Xuedong Chen, Hongfang Liu* , A review on electrochemical biosensing platform based on layered double hydroxides for small molecule biomarkers determination. Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, 2018,262:21-38. 

17. Zhengyun Wang, Ting Liu, Yang Yu, Muhammad Asif, Ning Xu, Fei Xiao, and Hongfang Liu*, Coffee Ring Inspired Approach toward Oriented Self- Assembly of Biomimetic Murray MOFs as Sweat Biosensor, Small, 2018, 14(45):1802670(1-11).

18. Zhengyun Wang, Ting Liu, Muhammad Asif, Yang Yu, Wei Wang, Haitao Wang, Fei Xiao and Hongfang Liu*Rimelike Structure-Inspired Approach toward in Situ-Oriented Self-Assembly of Hierarchical Porous MOF Films as a Sweat Biosensor, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2018, 10, 27936.27946  

19. Zhenyun Wang, Mengxi Gui, Muhanmmad. Asif, Yang Yu, Shuang Dong, Haitao Wang, Wei. Wang, Feng Wang, Fei Xiao and Hongfang Liu*, Facile modular approach to 2D oriented assembly MOFs electrode for non-enzymatic sweat biosensor, Nanoscale, 2018, 10:6629-6638. DOI:10.1039/C8NR00798E.

20.   Zhenyun Wang, Shuang Dong, Mengxi Gui, Muhanmmad Asif, Wei Wang, Feng Wang, Hongfang Liu*, Graphene paper supported MoS2 nanocrystals monolayer with Cu submicron-buds: High-performance flexible platform for sensing in sweat, Analytical Biochemistry (2018), 54382-89. doi: 10.1016/j.ab.2017.12.010.

21.Hongwei Liu, Dake Xu, Ke Yang, Hongfang Liu*, Y. Frank Cheng*, Corrosion of antibacterial Cu-bearing 316L stainless steels in the presence of sulfate reducing bacteria, Corrosion Science,2018,132:46-55.

22.   Hongwei Liu, Tingyue Gu, Guoan Zhang, Hongfang Liu*, Y.Frank Cheng*, Corrosion of X80 pipeline steel under sulfate-reducing bacterium biofilms in simulated CO2-saturated oilfield produced water with carbon source starvation, Corrosion Science, 2018:136:47-59 

23. Hongwei Liu, Y. Frank Cheng*, Dake Xu*, Hongfang Liu*. Effect of iron oxidizing bacteria biofilm on corrosion inhibition of imidazoline derivative in CO2-containing oilfield produced water with organic carbon source starvation, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2018, 165(7): C354-C361.

24.  Haitao Wang, Wei Wang, Yang Yang Xu, Muhammad Asif, Hongfang Liu* and Bao Yu Xia*, Ball-milling Synthesis of Co2P Nanoparticles Encapsulated Nitrogen Doped Hollow Carbon Rods as Efficient Electrocatalysts. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2017, 5, 17563-17569.  

25.     Haitao Wang, Wei Wang, Muhammad Asif, Yang Yu, Zhengyun Wang, Junlei Wang, Hongfang Liu* and Junwu Xiao*, Cobalt Ions-Coordinated Self-Assembly Synthesis of Nitrogen-Doped Ordered Mesoporous Carbon Nanosheets for Efficiently Catalyzing Oxygen Reduction. Nanoscale, 2017, 9,15534.

26.   Haitao Wang, Wei Wang, Yang Yang Xu, Shuang Dong, Junwu Xiao, Feng Wang, Hongfang Liu* and Bao Yu Xia*, Hollow Nitrogen-Doped Carbon Spheres with Fe3O4 Nanoparticles Encapsulated as a Highly Active Oxygen-Reduction Catalyst. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2017, 9, 10610-10617.

27.     Haitao Wang, Wei Wang, Mengxi Gui, Muhammad Asif, Zhengyun Wang, Yang Yu, Junwu Xiao* and Hongfang Liu*, Uniform Fe3O4/Nitrogen-Doped Mesoporous Carbon Spheres Derived from Ferric Citrate-Bonded Melamine Resin as an Efficient Synergistic Catalyst for Oxygen Reduction. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2017, 9, 335-344.

28.     Wei Wang, Haitao Wang, Yang Yu, Zexing Wu, Muhammad Asif and Hongfang Liu*,Metallic cobalt modified MnO–C nanocrystalline composites as an efficient bifunctional oxygen electrocatalyst, Catalysis Science & Technology, 2018, 8, 480 - 485

29.     Shuang Dong, Zhengyun Wang, Muhammad Asif, Haitao Wang, Yang Yu, Yulong Hu, Hongfang Liu* and Fei Xiao*, Inkjet Printing Synthesis of Sandwiched Structured Ionic Liquid-Carbon Nanotube-Graphene Film: Toward Disposable Electrode for Sensitive Heavy Metal Detection in Environmental Water Samples. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2017, 56, 1696-1703.

30. Muhammad Asif , Wang Haitao, Dong Shuang, Ayesha Aziz, Guoan Zhang, Fei Xiao, Hongfang Liu*Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical2017, 239:243-252

31.  Hongwei Liu, Tingyue Gu, Guoan Zhang, Wei Wang, Shuang Dong, Yufeng Cheng, Hongfang Liu,Corrosion inhibition of carbon steel in CO2-containing oilfieldproduced water in the presence of iron-oxidizing bacteria andinhibitors. Corrosion Science, 2016,105:149-160. .

32..Hongwei Liu, Tingyue Gu, Guoan Zhang, Yufeng Cheng,Haitao Wang, Hongfang Liu, The effect of magneticfield on biomineralization and corrosion behavior of carbon steel induced by iron-oxidizingbacteria, Corrosion Science, 2016,102:93-102.

33.  Hongfang Liu, Anh Quang Dao, and Chaoyang Fu .Activities of Combined TiOSemiconductor Nanocatalysts Under Solar Light on the Reduction of CO2, J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 2016,16(4), 3437-3446.

34.  Hongwei Liu, Dake Xu, AnhQuang Dao, Guoan Zhang, Yalin Lv, Hongfang Liu*.Study of corrosion behavior and mechanism of carbon steel in the presence of Chlorella vulgaris, Corros. Sci. 101(2015):84-93.

35. Hongwei Liu, Chaoyang Fu, Tingyue Gu, Guoan Zhang,, Yalin Lv, Haitao Wang ,Hongfang Liu, Corrosion behavior of carbon steel in the presence of sulfate reducingbacteria and iron oxidizing bacteria cultured in oilfield produced water, Corros. Sci. 100(2015):484-495. 

36.     熊福平,王军磊,AHMED Abbas Fadhil,付朝阳,顾停月,胡裕龙,刘宏芳,硫酸盐还原菌诱导应力腐蚀开裂研究进展,腐蚀科学与防护技术,2018,30(3):213-221.

37.     吕亚林,刘宏伟,熊福平,刘宏芳*, 铁氧化菌对X80管线钢腐蚀行为的影响, 腐蚀科学与防护技术,2017,29(4):343-348

38.     刘宏伟,刘宏芳*,铁氧化菌引起的钢铁材料腐蚀研究进展,中国腐蚀与防护学报,2017,37(3):195-206

39.     刘宏伟,徐大可,吴亚楠,杨柯,刘宏芳*. 微生物生物膜下的钢铁材料腐蚀研究进展,腐蚀科学与防护技术,2015,27(9):409-418.

40.     吴亚楠,张帆,刘宏伟,刘宏芳*.. 月桂酸和硫脲在饱和CO2SRB共存污水中的缓蚀行为研究,腐蚀科学与防护技术,2015,27(3):219-225.

41.     张帆,刘宏伟,陈碧,刘宏芳*.. CO2SRB共存产出水中咪唑啉衍生物的环境行为及缓蚀长效性研究,中国腐蚀与防护学报,2015,35(2):156-162.

42.     刘宏伟,刘宏芳,*,秦双,韩霞,王田丽. 腐蚀调查油田集输管线硫酸盐还原菌诱导生物矿化作用调查,腐蚀科学与防护技术,2015,27(1):7-12.

43.     刘宏伟,张帆,吴亚楠,陶英光,张露,刘宏芳,*. 油田产出水中饱和二氧化碳和SRB共存条件下十二胺缓蚀剂的缓蚀行为,腐蚀与防护,2015,36(2):137143.