·Paper Publications
- [1] 刘华北, 宋二祥 (2005). 可液化土中地铁结构的地震响应. 岩土力学, 26(3), 381-386..
- [2] 刘华北 (2006). 水平与竖向地震作用下土工格栅加筋土挡墙动力分析. 岩土工程学报, 28(5), 594-599..
- [3] Liu, Huabei*, Song, Erxiang, Ling., Hoe I. (2006). Constitutive modeling of soil-structure interface through the concept of critical state soil mechanics. Mechanics Research Communications, 33(4), 515-531..
- [4] Liu, Huabei*, Song, Erxiang (2006). Working mechanism of cutoff walls in reducing uplift of large underground structures induced by soil liquefaction. Computers and Geotechnics, 33(4-5), 209-221..
- [5] Liu, Huabei, Ling, Hoe I. (2008). Constitutive description of interface behavior including cyclic loading and particle breakage within the framework of critical state soil mechanics. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 32(12), 1495-1514..
- [6] Liu, Huabei*, Wang, Xiangyu, Song, Erxiang (2009). Long-term behavior of GRS retaining walls with marginal backfill soils. Geotextiles and Geomembranes, 27(4), 295-307..
- [7] Liu, Huabei*, Ling, Hoe I. (2012). Seismic responses of reinforced soil retaining walls and the strain softening of backfill soils. International Journal of Geomechanics, 12(4), 351-356..
- [8] Liu, Huabei*, Zou, Degao (2013). Associated generalized plasticity framework for modeling gravelly soils considering particle breakage. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 139(5), 606-615..
- [9] Liu, Huabei (2015). Reinforcement load and compression of reinforced soil mass under surcharge loading. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE, 141(6), 04015017..
- [10] Liu, Huabei (2016). Required reinforcement stiffness for vertical geosynthetic reinfprced soil walls at strength limit state. Geotechnique, 66(5), 424-434..