·Paper Publications
Junhao Shen, Hongyun Hu*, Mian Xu, Huan Liu, Kai Xu, Xiuju Zhang, Hong Yao, IchiroNaruse. Interactions between molten salts and ash components during Zhundong coal gasification in eutectic carbonates. Fuel, 2017, 207, 365-372. (SCI&EI)
Release time:2019-09-10  Hits:
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[19] Shuncun Luo, Yue Su, Zemin Wang*. Microstructural evolution and mechanisms in additively manufactured AlCrCuFeNix complex concentrated alloys via selective laser melting. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 870 (2021) 159443.
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[17] Guanyi Jing, Zemin Wang*. Influence of molten pool mode on microstructure and mechanical properties of heterogeneously tempered 300M steel by selective laser melting. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 296 (2021) 117188.