Liu Rong

·Scientific Research

Current position: 英文主页 > Scientific Research

Research Field

  • Professor Liu Rong get her Ph.D in Tongji Medical College, HUST, majored in Pathophysiology.  She is now an independent PI in Key Laboratory of Ministry of Education for Neurological Disorders, China; the outstanding scholar awarded by Hubei Natural  Science Foundation; and members of several academic associations such as Chinese Association of Pathophysiology, Chinese Neuroscience Society and Hubei Society for Microcirculation. She is also the member of editorial board of several scientific journals such as Journal of Neurochemistry, Journal of Alzheimer Disease and Neuroscience Bulletin; the reviewer of more than twenty journals such as Science translational medicine, Cell reports, Theranostics, Journal of Neurochemistry, Hippocampus, Neuroscience Bulletin, etc; as well as the grant reviewer of National Natural Science Foundation of China and Medical Research Council of England.

    With the research focused on the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease and Depression, Professor Liu has published more than 50 papers with an H-index 25. As the main leader, she was granted more than 6 projects by National Natural Science Foundation of China. She has guided 8 PhD students and 6 graduated students to get their degree and obtain positions in universities and high-level hospitals. Five of her students wined the National Scholarship for Graduate Student. 

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