·Paper Publications
- [11] Wenbiao Xu, Wenzhong Liu*, Pu Zhang. Nanosecond-resolved temperature measurements using magnetic nanoparticles[J]. Review of Scientific Instruments 87 (2016) 054902..
- [12] Lei Wu, Jingjing Cheng, Wenzhong Liu, et al. Numerical analysis of electromagnetically induced heating and bioheat transfer for magnetic fluid hyperthermia[J]. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics (2015) 51(2): 1-4..
- [13] Shiqiang Pi , Wenzhong Liu* , and at al.. Towards real-time and remote magnetonanothermo- -metry with temperature accuracy better than 0.05 K. Sensors and Actuators A 234 (2015) 263–268.
- [14] Zhongzhou Du, Rijian Su, Wenzhong Liu* and Zhixing Huang. Magnetic Nanoparticle Thermometer: An Investigation of Minimum Error Transmission Path and AC Bias Error. Sensors 2015, 15, 8624-8641; doi:10.3390/s150408624.
- [15] Zhongzhou Du, Wenzhong Liu, Jing Zhong*, Paulo Cesar Morais. Signature of cluster disruption within magnetic fluid samples: The key information provided by low frequency alternating current susceptibility measurements. J. Appl. Phys. 2014 115, 194310.
- [16] Jing Zhong, Qing Xiang, Fanyao Qu, Paulo Cesar Morais and Wenzhong Liu*. Second-order-like cluster-monomer transition within magnetic fluids and its impact upon the magnetic susceptibility. Nanoscale Research Letters. 2012, 7:167. .
- [17] Wenzhong Liu*, Ming Zhou, Li Kong. Estimation of the size distribution of magnetic nano- -particles using modified magnetization curves. Measurement Science and Technology, 20 (2009) 125802 (7pp) .
- [18] Wenzhong Liu*, Jing Zhong, Qing Xiang, Guang Yang, Ming Zhou. Discretization of Magnetization Curves and Their Application in Size Estimation of Nano-sized Ferrofluid. IEEE Transaction on Nanotechnology 2011 Vol. 10 Iss. 6 pp 1231-7 .
- [19] Qing Xiang, Jing Zhong, Ming Zhou, Paulo Cesar Morais, Wenzhong Liu*. AC Field Dependence of Cluster Disruption in Magnetic Fluids. J. Appl. Phys. 2011, 109:07B317. .
- [20] Jing Zhong, Wenzhong Liu*, and et. al. Ferrofluid clustering driven by dilution: An alternating current susceptibility investigation. J. Appl. Phys. 2012 111: 064317 .