·Paper Publications
Pulsar navigation for interplanetary missions using CV model and ASUKF Liu, Jing; *Ma, Jie; Tian, Jinwen; Kang, Zhiwei; White, Paul Aerospace Science and Technology, 22(1), pp 19-23, 2012.
Release time:2018-03-14  Hits:
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Boundary extraction using supervised edgelet classification *Zhao, Ji; Ma, Jiayi; Tian, Jinwen; Ma, Jie; Zheng, Sheng Optical Engineering, 51(1), pp 1-7, 2012.
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Three dimensional automatic target recognition based on spin-images *Liu, Yao; Ma, Jie; Zhao, Ji; Tian, Jinwen; Xiong, Ling Hongwai yu Jiguang Gongcheng/Infrared and Laser Engineering, 41(2), pp 543-548, 2012.